I've got a cold, so we're having an 'at home' day. It feels so good to lay around in our jammies, snuggle on the couch and not rush off anywhere.
Matty has been doing so great with the potty. Staying dry and using the toilet independently. yay!!
We have leftover brownies from the other night.
I'm still glowing from my time with Chrissie and the girls.
It's a rainy day and we've got pumpkins and gourds on our front porch.
What's making you happy today?
Your blog, knitting, lunch with friends...Happy Wednesday :)
Tonight, I am meeting 3 sorority sisters/roommates from college for dinner. I usually don't get out often (nor do I try to) so the thought of dinner tonight at great restaruant catching up with old friends is making me happy today!
That and the new shirt I'm wearing that I got at Target on sale for $7.99! ;)
That my girls are playing outside, together, so that I can do the dishes and blog a bit. I never thought it would happen with their age difference!
Your blog for sure! The beautiful weather here...the amazing fall colors all around me and my sweet girls decked out all in stripes today :)
That I had a chance to take my boys to the park to play. That our family will all be home together this evening. PS - Great necklace!
That I discovered that I have people who care about me in places I never expected, that I was able to convince six three year olds to walk in a line down the hallway today to go to the "big kids library" without losing anyone, that my blue eyed boy laughed his belly laugh today when he was having to do his hardest work for me
I have a cold too. Did you send me your germs through the blog? I spent time with my future nieces last night. That made me very happy.
my three men at home and a little lady in guatemala; pretty fabric; frozen yogurt.
Share'n a bowl of popcorn with my hubby after the kids have gone to bed.
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