We had a play group this morning at Lindsey's that was so much fun! these ladies are amazing and and real. It felt great to connect.

I discovered you can buy used CDs on Amazon.com and I have been buying every cheesy CD I ever liked and having SO MUCH FUN getting reacquainted with these old, memory provoking tunes. I'm pretty sure this counts as recycling. And the best part is, most of the CDs are about $2. Awesome.
I am in an organizing, pile attacking mood. Better put that to good use. Happy Wednesday!
Happy No Pile Moment to you!! I love the way that feels...in my case, it sometimes lasts actual hours...I've been in a Spring Cleaning mood as well...it's the sunshine and the longer days starting...enjoy, enjoy!
surely you noticed my many piles today, too! the piles by the door are the hardest to get rid of!
I love the pile-attack mode! I love when the piles have been attacked!
Here's my version of 'recycling': http://tammycirceo.typepad.com/tammy_circeo_musings_on_l/2008/02/go-green.html. Sounds a bit like yours!
My friend LOVED the baby spoon you made and that I gave her for Sophie! thank you very much!
If you love cheap cd's and "classic" tunes, try lala.com. We are totally addicted!
I hope you have a wonderful time with your sister.
you are so funny, I love reading about your happy life. keep attacking those piles.
So good to see you this morning! i hope we get to do that more often.
ohhh...I'm a pile person too. What's up with that anyhow ???
And I understand your feelings completely....although, my pile-less spots only stay that way until my next trip to the mailbox and then it starts all over again !!!
Oh well...if piles are the worst thing a person ever does....I can live with that !!
Gee, you only have 3 stacking places? My biggest stacking place is my kitchen desk near the phone- because it seems everyone else in the family thinks it's their stacking place too! But I love it when I get things good and organized, I feel like my brain works a lot better when my surroundings are tidy. Happy Spring!
so cannot WAIT for sister time. so cannot WAIT.
OK- can I borrow one of your sisters so I can meet them in SB for an overnighter, too?? Too fun.
And be careful about those cds, they make GREAT piles. By the way, if you've got any REO Speedwagon, Eagles, or Journey, let me know and we'll party together. :)
I have a problem with piling too - one on the kitchen island counter, one on a chair in the dining room and a couple in my studio. Trying to break the habit too - hoping to sift through things faster and put the important stuff in labeled binders.
I'll think of you while I sort!!
Thanks for sharing! And... have fun with your sister - I'm envious of your over-night!!
I love sister dates too!!! What a blessing they are! You can be completly your goofy self and they love you anyway!!! (And I'm kinda partial to your sister - she is great)
yay for no piles!!!! I love that feeling!! and it never really takes me that long, so I don't know why I do not do it more often! hmmm...
Piles, piles~would love to get rid of them~but why let them get me down~right?
Gonna check out the cd's at Amazon, but maybe need to look at lala.com.......
Have a blessed day!
Your blog always touches my heart. I to am a mom of two sweet ones and have sisters . Today I saw your "sister" post. My older sister died 8 weeks ago after a long battle with breast cancer. She lived far away from and I wasn't able to there in her final days. All I could think of after she died was how I wanted to hold her hand in those final moments. Your photo just depicted exactly how I felt. Thanks for sharing.
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