tiny squares.
Two hammered squares (About 1/2" each) are hung from a thick, sterling ring and strung on 18" sterling chain. A cream freshwater pearl adds the perfect detail. Each square can fit up to 6 characters. Oh, it's so perfect!!
$46.00, additional charms $14.00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
So...I am giving one away. Leave us a comment and tell us something fun scheduled for April.
then head over to Craft and Found *such a fun blog!!* because she is doing a giveaway, too! Happy Monday!!
1 – 200 of 314 Newer› Newest»Our fun thing planned for April is probably not what most would consider fun but it is great fun for my husband, our children and me. We live in Southwestern Colorado on our farm. We have waited all winter for it to be warm and dry enough to plant our wheat and new alfalfa in some of our fields. We should be able to get on tractors and get started this week and we are so excited we almost can't stand it!
Oh, this necklace is so darling! My fun event for April...I'm heading to California to visit my dearest & best friend Sharalee for a few days!! HORAY!!
Fun things for April...planting lots of flowers, decorating my house for spring, family and friends coming to visit and shop!
(By the way, my sister recently gave me one of your necklaces. I loved it so much, I will be ordering from you soon!)
I love your jewelry and have hinted heavily to my husband. :) One VERY fun and VERY exciting thing happening in April is my daughter's FIRST birthday! It is actually Saturday and I am very excited and happy. I can't believe a whole year has gone by already. Boy do they grow up fast! This would make a great gift for me to commemorate her first year. Thanks! :) katebethATgmail
april for me means my house is getting all new carpet!! exciting stuff for me!
I love your jewelry! I have been hinting to a friend of mine so that she can hint to my husband to get me a necklace for Mother's Day!!
Our one thing in April.....we are buying our FIRST HOUSE and moving in! YAY!!!!!!
Love your blog and your pictures....how do you make your pictures look the way they do? I've tried Antiquing mine in iphoto and my husband says they just look yellow....boo......
I just found your site last night and LOVE it! One fun thing for our family is that hopefully we'll finish construction on our new house that we've been working on for a year!
My fun April event... my daughter's baptism. Elaina is getting baptised Saturday, 4/5, and all of our family is coming to town... lots of hotel swimming (we are in Iowa, no ocean or outdoor warmth), possibly a basketball game, lots of family time and of course the most important thing, our sweet daughter's baptism.
I LOVE this necklace!
I'm going to work on personal art everyday in the month of April. :)
we have a few fun things (depending on what you consider fun) My daughter and I are looking forward to a couple of dance competitions and nights out. The boys in the family are looking forward to an X-treme Moto-X show and the whole family will roll up their sleeves and enjoy some family fun (and work) slough pumping in april around the farm. haha
Oh so sweet. We plan to get out in the yard together and get the flower beds ready for planting and mulching etc. Also planning some one on one time with each of the kids- special afternoons to do what they want. Maybe a movie, lunch, or an afternoon at the park.
My plans for April include planning a birthday party for my almost 14 yo dd!
April is a fun month for us-my son turns 3(!), school field trip to the zoo, and to the beach for a kite frstival. it's the real spring kick-off for us!
My fun thing for April is that I am quitting my job in a few weeks to stay home full time with my son. I am so excited.
Okay, this is my birthday month so my fun thing is my birthday party. I am having my friends over for steamed oysters, a big salad, garlic bread and beer. After that we'll eat cake and go for a bike ride on my new adult tricycle. How cool is that!! Bring on the high gas prices, I've got a trike!!
OH< and Scott is taking off five days this week so I can have mornings sleeping in, breakfast in bed, long lazy naps in the afternoon and late nights playing with him at night. All for my birthday!! YAY!!!
I have lots of fun things planned for April.
1st I am start classes to be a graphic designer.
2nd I am turning 31.
3rd My husband and I are taking our daughter to see Wicked.
I am so excited for April.
My fun thing for April will hopefully be a midlleage-market that is happening at a castle not far away :) I love those markets and thre'll also be a flight show with owls and eagles...so impressing!!
Love the neclace! My fun event for April would be when my cute parents come to visit me. I haven't seen them in 6 months so I am really looking forward to it.
Love the necklace, soo cute. I still want one of yours but can't decide which one, really leaning to the mothers day one if there are any left. Anyways my husband has a cousin getting married in April so will have lots of fun family around.
April is a whole month of fun for us! Our older two children both have birthdays this month, so we will be celebrating in a big way! We are having a messy party where the kids come over, paint, do playdoh, anything messy and then we have a huge banana split cake for dessert. Can't wait!
love, Love, LOVE your jewelry!!!
April for us is Spring Break, Sun and Sand!!!
My fun thing for April? Visiting the opening of my local farmer's market for the season! Fresh flowers, local products, homemade baked goods--Oh my! I love your designs! (I, too, am a husband hinter and am glad to know that I'm not alone in this!)
Surprise 30th birthday party for one of my dearest friends in Charleston, SC. We are making a weekend of it! My boyfriend will be going for the first time ever, which makes the trip even more special.
LOVE the necklace :) my fun thing is going to be traveling to sunny San Francisco (from Michigan) for the weekend of the 18th. I am going with my husband's aunt and grandmother for a girl's weekend and it will be the first time i will be away from my boys for more than a few hours! exciting but scary!!
Something fun for April, Bon Jovi concert :O) It is my 8 year wedding anniversary so my super fabulous hubby is taking me friday night to Bon Jovi....can't wait :O)
oh and by they way everything about your blog is fabulous :O) love it!
I recently found your site and Love your jewelry. I adore that leather cuff....maybe I missed it, but do you have more like that. I would totally love to buy one for my teenage daughter who is having a tough time right now. I thought it would be perfect for her to see throughout the day and look at some sort of reaffirming word on a cool bracelet. OR would you be willing to make a custom one? A fun thing...hmmm...well my roses are in bloom!!!! Thats pretty fun. :)
Such an admirer of your beautiful jewellery and your blog!
Fun things for April...well since my maternity leave is ending in May, I am trying to make the most of everyday and do something fun with my little guy who is an amazing little person. We are going to the Zoo, enjoying time with friends and going to visit my Mom and Dad.
The new design is beautiful! My fun event for April...is house hunting!
My one fun thing planned for April is traveling to Oklahoma to help my niece celebrate her first birthday. I can't wait! I haven't seen her since Christmas so this is a special treat.
I love the necklace - that would make a great bday gift for my sister.
Fun in April? My dh starts planting in April, and working lots of very loonnnnggggg hours. I don't know if that could really be considered fun, but we are all looking forward to the return of spring, that's for sure.
ok lisa something fun for our family this april is heading up to the mountains in NC and visiting my oldest in college. Her 4 siblings miss her so much!!!Looking forward to taking an all 5 kids together again pic.
my birthday is on Wednesday, I'll be spending it with my two girls! I'm thinking it will be the best birthday ever!
April fun is checking going for dinner at Olives and checking into the Venetian Hotel for our 25th anniversay!
Love the necklace, just like all your things.
Wow, I love that necklace!
We will be planting our garden in April.
What a beautiful necklace! I've had so much fun browsing your collection this morning. What to pick?
One of my fun April plans is heading to a baseball game next week at our new Nationals stadium with my son. A little "mommy and me" time if I can find a sitter for the babe.
christydavis at verizon dot net
I love your jewelry, and I love your blog! I read it daily! It is so warm and encouraging. I can't wait until your new website is up and running!
My fun April activity...potty training my twin girls who will be three in April. I know, I know...we're a little behind on this whole potty-training thing! We started today, so hopefully we will be finished by the end of April!!! The actual process will not be fun, but the moment I lay my head down at night and realize we didn't have a single accident all day will be pure bliss!
The necklace is beautiful!! Everything you create is wonderful which makes it hard to decide which is my favorite. This april we are celebrating my son 2nd birthday and are waiting for spring to come and are hopeing the snow stays away
What a perfect way to honor and display the names of my two favorite boys - hubby and son!
For April I have the best fun thing planned - a trip to Key West with five of my girlfriends from college to celebrate our 30th birthdays! I can't wait!
Going to t-ball games!
Wow! You're work is amazing! I sent a link to your site to DH heavily hinting for Mother's Day! Let's see...fun things for April. On the third it's DH's 34th B-day. He actually got the weekend off so his sister/BIL/nieces & nephews are all coming up to celebrate! And my MIL and SIL (same one as above) are going to the Nationals Bowling Tournament in Detroit in the middle of April! Plus, MIL's sister lives an hour away so PARTY! Yes, I'm one of the lucky few that loves her MIL! AND I get to get away from my 3 boys for a few days and relax YAY! :) Thank you for offering you're beautiful creations for a contest, we are all so lucky!
i am taking my boys to the circus on April 19th!
What a lovely design!
I am surprising my mom next Sunday for her 70th birthday.
I have invited a bunch of her friends and family to celebrate with her.
I can't wait - she will be so surprised!
I lOVE, LOVE, LOVE your jewelry. I keep showing my husband which ones I like. :)
My friend and I have daughters the same age and last year we started a new tradition called "SPRING FLING"....we take our daughters shopping ALL day, get photos taken in the mall's photo booth, buy goofy stuff we'll never use again (like funky glasses and such), spend the day laughing, talking, taking the girls out for a really nice 'grownup' lunch and have precious times with our daughters!! This year our SPRING FLING is scheduled for April 26th and we can't wait!! This year we are gonna stay overnight in a hotel and give the girls facials and manicures!! WOOOHOO!! I can't wait!! I never know who is more excited...us or the girls!!! peace and blessings....Cindy B.
I'm planning a girl's day out to a little town an hour away. We'll have lunch at one of the cute cafes and shop till we drop at Nell Hills.
LOVE it, Lisa!
We are taking the boys to an ice hockey game next Sunday ... can't wait! And we also have a family bday party scheduled in late April.
April will be spent getting ready for Sprout's (baby #2) arrival! Due date is May 8th but I really think he/she will be born in late April... or maybe it is my wishful thinking!
My fun thing planned for April would be my oldest daughter Samantha's first prom. We have already had lots of fun picking out the dress, jewelry, and shoes. Since I am a hair dresser I am in charge of the hair. We will make a day out of it. Her two best friends are also coming over. I will be doing the hair and nails for all three. This will be a great memorie for us. I am so excited to be sharing in this special day with all the girls.
April fun? Well, I am heavily involved with a church children's talent show -- can't wait to see the fun things those little guys end up showing us as their talents. With a hot dog lunch and a kids' talent show, it's a fun Saturday for sure .
Adorable new design Lisa! I get so many compliments on the necklace you made for me, I've given out your blog addy to so many people! My Mom just ordered herself one finally!
One thing we are excited about in this house is KU making it into the Final Four! So the first weekend in April means we will be watching the games & cheering our team on!!
Our college daughters who are coming home just for this night, a lonely friend, a high school senior and my husband and I are planning a game night, playing games but also watching our beloved Jayhawks in the Final Four. Being empty nesters now we look forward to "FUN" nights with kids around. It is a strange little group of people but we call each other "family". PARTAY!
We're headed to South Beach, Florida - just my husband and I. He earned a weekend recognition trip due to his incredibly hard work at his place of employment. We never go away alone, so this will be an amazing treat.
This is a beautiful necklace. I wear my necklace that you made for me everyday! It says BELIEVE IN MIRACLES! Our son just finished his stem cell transplant and we've been home now for 3 weeks and loving every minute of it! He started radiation today and he will finish with that in a couple of weeks and then we plan to have so much fun at our house....just celebrating our children! We can't go anywhere because our son is on isolation, but we are planning a "small" birthday party for our soon to be 2 year old daughter. We're going to have just the grandparents here, but it is going to be a princess themed party and Ethan is going to be a "King" and Ava a "Princess". It is going to be so much fun watching the kids all dressed up and having a good time at the "PARTY"! Small or not, it will be great to celebrate!
Thanks for all of your posts, I check them daily. Your boys are adorable and your work is fabulous!
My daughter starts 'Princess Ballet' classes and wants to wear a princess dress to her first class!
I can't believe it but, I think I love the tiny squares even more than the teeny tiny initials! Our fun (depends on your perspective) plans for April are very simple. I can't wait to enjoy the emerging spring weather.... to plant and landscape, and to start walking more places instead of driving everywhere. Thanks for sharing your creativity!
I'm a first time comment-er. I love your jewelry! My fun even planned for April is going to see Jenna and Laura Bush at a book signing that is promoting their new children's book. I'm so excited!
The fun part is that I will put all of the pictures in a scrapbook for my mother in law, who has a breast cancer,just had a "Hat n' Snip Off" party last Sunday 3/30. Yet,I will start putting the pictures together at Creative workshop on 4/16 all day. After putting tons of pictures, I will hand the books to her at the end of April as a part of gift.
I love the necklace.
One fun thing we are doing in April is taking our kids to the Gamma Phi Circus (at Illinois State University, love living in a college town)...the oldest collegiate circus in the country.
My parents are coming home from being snowbirds in Mesa all winter, and it my 8th wedding anniversary on the 15th. Two wonderful things to look forward to. Thanks Lisa.
My parents are coming home from being snowbirds in Mesa all winter, and it my 8th wedding anniversary on the 15th. Two wonderful things to look forward to. Thanks Lisa.
One fun thing in April is going to Cal Poly's Open House! My husband and I love going back to the campus to support the school's clubs, eat a ton of junk food, and relive some of our fond memories.
April is going to be the best month ever... After being house bound since January we are gojng to Vegas to se Gandma and Grandpa, and then to Canada to see The other Grandma and Grandpa. Lots of traveling but it will be sooo much fun!!
Getting my bike out of storage and pedalling up a storm.
Lisa I love your jewelry. We have a busy April. Dance recital is at the end of May, so lots of practice and making up practice from missing because of all the snow we had in Iowa during January and February. We also have preschool registration, Come Read with me at school and several relative's birthdays. We are also having several new calves on our farm and the girls enjoy watching them grow strong and play in the pasture. Thank you Lisa for the give aways. Take care
LOVE the necklace, LOVE the blog!
My husband and son's birthdays are in April, so we have some celebrating to do!
What a fun necklace, I hope I win. I am going to Wicked in LA, YEA! I love all your designs!!!!
a job interview! after being a sahm for 6+ years, it is a step toward moving back into the world of sales...pt :)
We have four children under the age of four who are all at the cabin fever stage with our Ohio weather. To break out of the same old boring routine, we're having a theme week to kick off April. Five days of fun activities ... cooking one day, a movie day with popcorn and our favorite Disney movies, baseball day for the season's kick-off. With any luck we'll even have one day warm enough to get outside for some outdoor activities too. Just something different to keep our minds off the lack of warmth and sunshine we're still seeing here.
i love the new necklace!!
one fun thing that i have planned for april is a pirate themed birthday party for my little guys second birthday. cant wait - although it makes me a bit sad that he's getting so big.
I love your designs Lisa!I get a lot of comments on the necklace you made for me last fall with my daughters names!
Fun in April...strawberry picking and one more month closer to the end of my husband's deployment!YEA!!!!
First, your work is amazing :)
I would be one happy camper to receive this lovely necklace.
For spring break/vacation, we'll probably go to the beach with our new sticker... who cares that it might be cold :) And we'll venture into the city to the museum of science :) my two munchkins just love it there.
Thanks for the chance :)
goodness i have two...my birthday the 24th. And the best birthday present would definately be my fiancee'! So the MOST fun thing scheduled would probably be the Luau inspired Engagement Party for to celebrate Scott's and I upcoming marriage! We are so blessed, what an amazing God we have! I love your stuff...it's soo great!
I like the featured necklace for April. I am still hoping my husband bought me the "mama" necklace! I just love your jewerly!
I plan on running the Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston on April 5th (www.bridgerun.com). Charleston is great place to visit if you are ever in the area!
Take care,
Shelly Primm
Huntersville, North Carolina
love the necklace! fun thing for April is that my mom is visiting us from Ireland.......the boys love seeing Grandma and I love the opportunity we have to just sit and talk face-to-face instead of long distance by phone....
OhOhohoh!! !I have NO LESS than THREE FUN FUN FUN stuff lined up in April!!! First, I'm gonna get some scrapping-friends over and have a little crop at my place one saturday evening, second - Im gonna attend a class of a fabby french scrapbooking/mixed-media-artist the next sunday (SO looking forward to that one), third...Im gonna do two SB-classes out of town AND I get to meet up with old and new friends doing so and they promised me a crop aswell and a fun day of photosessionstuff and stuff YAY YAY YAY! Hahha....thanks for letting me share *cough* :) :)
We are actually heading west to your state - Taking Samme to Disneyland in April for her 4th birthday! She has NO idea that a land of princesses and castles really does exist!
My neck is getting heavy from all of the LL necklaces I now OWN but I love them all and adore the hammered squares! I would give it to my mom though as she has been eyeing mine and put her 2 grand-daughters names on it!
xoxo - jenny :)
Fun for April, you ask?
We are having a girls reunion and 10 of us are flying to meet each other for a weekend of eats, drinks, dancing, catching up and whatever else happens to come our way!
Most of us have know each other since elementary school. It is so great that after all of these years we have stayed so close! We really are a lucky group of women!!
I can't wait!
My husband and I will be running our first half marathon together the last weekend in April! We are super excited!
I'm going to Disneyland!
Wow what a beautifull jewlery!!!
I have a oh so fun happening in april, my best fiend whom live fare away and I see aboute twice a year and I, were going to a all girl hotell-weekend this weekend. Kind of a spur of the moment thing that her husband thought we should do. Wihout hubbies and children, it will be a blast,shopping,dining, partying,coffehouses, party and onely girlystuff WE want to do..
PS. I forgot to mention that no husbands or children are invited!!
Beautiful necklace Lisa!! April is pretty exciting for us. My daughter will be celebrating her First Communion on 4/27 and then the next day celebrating her 8th birthday.
My fun event for April would be one of two things...you can decide which is more fun. (A) we are going to pain the kitchen (B) we are going to start trying to have a baby......
Wow, this is such a wonderful necklace and the one I will finally purchase, they all are so great, but this is the one. So I actually have a few things planned, first my 11 year anniversary, my birthday, and my new necklace to look forward to. April is such a wonderful month...
our fun thing for april.... my friend and i are planning on walking for babies!! it is a 10 mile walk for the march of dimes!! i am excited. both of our little ones were residents of the NICU this year, so we are happy to be helping this cause!
This winter we have been snowed in, experienced blizzard after blizzard, our sons wedding and Easter celebrations cancelled due to snow and countless other malodies! So, in April I have a scavenger hunt scheduled for our family that will include looking for signs of spring - from buds to flowers to creepy-crawly-thingys and the winner will be crowned 'king or queen of spring'! Can't wait! This spring NEVER looked so good.
I'm having a baby!!!
My fun thing is that I am going to see an old friend of mine - and I have not seen her for many years! Sooo looking forward to it!
I LOVE your jewelry and reading about all the fun stuff you do with your kiddos...and I'm jealous, as we here in Chicago are inches away from the snowiest winter on record! My fun April thing is SPRING BREAK--gonna spend some extra time with my 8 month old, Cooper! Gotta love being a teacher...
Something special for April...my God-Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and just started going through chemo and she is beating it's consequences to the punch by having a head shaving party. It will get shorter by shorter throughout the night until its all shaved off. She will join her father and brother with having a bald head. I am blessed to be in her life and I will be attending the "head shaving party" to enjoy it with her.
Lovely jewelry you have...when she beats this all together I plan to get her one in rememberance of her journey.
Lets see......April brings lots of fun things for me! First is my family Scrap bookweekend.....3 days of pure Scrapbooking no kids, no husbands :) Its also my birthday and my husband and I are getting away for the day to enjoy the central coast with out kids!!
I have a Low-concert to go to, and I adore this band! I can't wait :)
My grandmother is turning 87 and my husband and I are taking her out. Special why? well 87 is amazing in itself, however; I just met her last year. My father was MIA my whole life and my Mothers parents are both deceased as well ad my husbands grandparents. So, I decided one day that I wanted a grandmother. I found her on the internet called her and she was so excited. Her daughter (my Aunt!) lives with her to and we have developed a wonderful relationship.
So April 6th we are going to church and brunch to celebrate!
We will be celebrating my husband and oldest daughter's birthdays in April, and I also plan on taking my kids to the Sesame Street exhibit all about the human body!! Fun stuff!
Grandma is coming to visit which will be loads of fun for my daughter.
giveaways are always fun when it involves your necklaces :D I'm organising a bday party for my husband who's turning 40 this month !
ONE thing? :) Ok...pokeno night with some friends...in our jammies, on a Sunday night, eating breakfast food, gabbing and laughing! Happy jewelry making!
So much fun planned for April! I'm doing a girls trip in two weeks, as well as a little family vacation. Hope your month is blessed!
I love this necklace. Something fun I have planned for April is my daughter's 1st birthday. All of our family will be here to help us celebrate!
Oh I have been excited for this April all year...
In 2 weeks my husband and I will get the opportunity to get away for the weekend with out our 2 kids to attend my dear friends wedding on the west coast of Canada, in Nanaimo BC. Then 2 weeks later I will attend my 15 year high school reunion back in Manitoba!! It's going to be a fun month of reconnecting with old friends and filling eachother in on the last several years. I was just thinking that I'd love to order a necklace to wear to these ocasions proudly displaying my kids names.
I absolutely love your work...so pretty!
something fun for us in april will be that my husband is taking a monday off of work, and we're going to take my 10 month old to the tennessee aquarium for the first time to see the fish!
i think i know what mommy that necklace is for!
this april... party for some friends and my mom coming to visit!!
I'm heading to Chattanooga, TN to meet my newest niece {yet to be born}! Can't wait!
I've visiting a long-lost friend! Can't wait to see her!
Love the jewelry you make :o)
One of our fun things to do this month, will be going skiing in the mountains. To a cabin with no water and no electricity!
And it is great, even though we don't have all the goodies of the modern world.
i adore this one! well, actually, i happen to adore them all...just love them and your constant inspiration, i treasure it!
fun april thing...my mother's 60th birthday...can't wait to celebrate her life!
thank you!
I love this necklace! Our fun activity for April. . . my little boy's birthday is in April and he loves airplanes so we are going to take him to the local Airforce museum. It has a lot of airplanes and jets that you can walk around and then a museum portion also. I am really excited to see how he reacts and how much fun he has.
This necklace is beautiful! I would love to win! My fun event in April, my darling husband is taking me on a cruise to the Southern Caribbean! I am so excited!
Oooo, nice...
My fun event for april is a trip to the fashion mekka of Milano!
Can't hardly wait!:D
I am beginning April with painting my soon to be new stamp studio. There has never been a pink room in this house but starting tomorrow there will be one. I can't wait till it's finished and furnished again.
I'm looking forward to taking my son(he's 5) to a play of Charlotte's Web with his preschool. Also get to be "room mom" for a day.
Wow! Lots of comments here. Hope I get noticed. wink wink. :) LOVE all of the jewelry. Especially this one.
My fun thing for April? My parents 18th Anniversary tomorrow! My daughter turns 18 months! Our house goes up for sale tomorrow, my brother's birthday, my husband coming home from a 15 day business trip!
I know that's more than 1, but couldn't figure out which to pick. :)
My husband is a CPA. On April 15th, tax season will end and we will finally get to see him on a regular basis again. We're planning on hugging Dad a lot more around here.
I love this necklace! How adorable! Hhmm, one fun thing planned in April is I'm teaching a card workshop at my house for a bunch of ladies. Stamping, coffee, good food, friends...doesn't get much better than that!
We are in the middle of our fun April thing, we are in Chicago doing a little exploring and watching the kids reactions to all things city...so we are exploring for fun!!
I look forward to having my kids home for a week and getting my garden planted. Love your jewelry
Our family has a fantastic camping trip planned for the second weekend in April! We live in Texas, and we tent camp, so October and April are the best months for nice weather for that, not too cold at night or too hot during the day. Over the years our camping trips have given our family some of the most happy, relaxed times. We build great memories. I can't wait! ~Cathy S., Fort Worth, TX
April is so fun... First, April Fool's Day with little bitty people cackling is such a hoot! Then, in our TN mountains, the season change is pretty drastic - lifting up rocks with my little Cade and Chloe (their names would look so sweet on your beautiful little squares...)to discover all those "little things" they love that show up in April, like shiny little beetles, salamanders, ant homes, etc...) We are also excited to celebrate Cade's sixth birthday with an "underwater" theme (his very creative idea). I love reading your sweet blog, and feel like I know you...we both have special education/behavior intervention backgrounds and curly hair (and love creative jewelry!)and we both have two beautiful little ones that we truly appreciate!!
Since April is my birthday month, I consider the whole month fun! It means I get to plant some beautiful new flowers in my garden, take in some beautiful California sunshine, and for my birthday weekend, either a jazz concert with the hubby or to Palm Springs for massages with my Mom and two sisters. Ahhh... such choices!
We have lots of fun scheduled for April!! First and foremost, having a baby! My second child is due April 19th and we are so excited. It is also my husband's birthday and the whole family (except the baby :) ) is in a wedding on the 26th! Its sure to be an exciting and eventful month!
I love this necklace! The fun thing for April is that I'm having a baby! Well hopefullly, unless he decides to come really late! :)
Absolutely gorgeous! Hmmm...April isn't overly-scheduled yet, but I'm going out for Chinese food with friends next weekend!
My fun thing scheduled for April is to graduate from nursing school! After a long and tiring journey, the end is in sight!
Sarah W.
For April:
A getaway to your fair state with my hubby. Just the two of us. sigh. I'm so excted.
My husband is graduating and we are moving across the country. Fun and scary all at the same time!
Love your jewelry and your site! Thanks for the daily inspiration.
Well I am from a small historic town in Indiana. THe fun thing that I am going to do this year is a thing called the "daffodil stroll" it is April 5th-6th. You just go to our historic downtown and they have heavily planted daffodils and they all the little unique shops are opne late and local artists sell thier things. It is kind of a "spring kickoff". It is a lot of fun. It has been going on since i was a child. http://www.huntingburg.org
I am also going to graduate from Nursing school this month....yeah!
love the necklace!Our April is pretty quiet. I hope to spend lots of family time outside exploring nature. My boys will love that.
I'm going to Danville, VA, not such a hot destination, but to visit my very best friend from college that I hardly ever see. YEA! So excited. Still a huge fan of yours Lisa! Can't wait for your website to go live :-)
This month is going to be fun! It my youngest's fourth birthday this month. We are having a blast deciding what kind of carnival games and deocorations that we will use. I always look foward to her special day becuase it is ALL hers. Her older and wonderful brother has a life threatining illness and demands a tons of attention. She is so amazing with him and giving of herslef. So, I am very much looking foward to April 26th when we have a very fun carnival in our backyard just for her!!!
Julie P., CA
I would actually love to win this for my best girlfriend who has been through a horrible divorce this year and it will be final on April 11. She has been such an amazing mom to her two little ones (ages 2 and 3 1/2) through it all and she would just melt over this!
Thanks for the consideration! While it is not really a "fun" thing, it is a blessing to have it over!
I'm looking forward to an April trip with my middle daughter (age 19). We're going to NY to see RENT. She's a dance major and wants to see RENT before it leaves Broadway. I love your jewelry pieces. Angie Ulseth
What a great give away. My fun event for April will be taking car eof my two nephews so my sister and her husband can go away alone for the first time in 5 years.
Matter of fact, that is who this necklace would go to. My sister has two wonderful boys. She is such a great Mom and deserves something from the boys to say thanks.
Dawn Marie
hefron04 at verizon dot net
Love your jewelry. The exciting event we are looking forward to this April is camping in our new camper. Well, new to us, not so new really. If you are a Christmas Vacation fan, it sorta reminds you of Cousin Eddie's R.V. 'now don't you go falling in love with it' :-)
I'm going to San Antonio, Tx to see my darling son graduate from Air Force Bootcamp!! My hubby and I are also celebrating our 24th anniversary :) Woohoo!!
Your stuff is so great!! I Love silver and u put your heart into your art!! Fun...April 18th going to see "The Boss" BRUCE SPRINGSTTEN In Fort Lauderdale, FL!!!! He is stll one of the best....and like your jewelery MADE IN THE USA!!! And really hot in his jeans!!!! Now that will make my April and May fun!!! ;)
I am going to be a grandma for the first time!! The baby shower is on April 13th and I can't wait. Elle is scheduled to arrive on June 4th and she is already spoiled. I love her to pieces!!
I love this necklace! My fun thing for April: we sold our house yesterday and we're moving at the end of the month....yeah!
April fun will be my first birthday as a Grandma! It will be my 50th birthday, but first one celebrated with a grandbaby! Also will be celebrated with my oldest son home, he's a green beret, member of the 3rd Special FOrces group, and the rest of my family, truly FUN at its best, with those I love most! Includes a weimaraner and black lab in the family too!
My son starts baseball in April....just hoping we don't have to wear out winter coats! I live in Iowa, and we are supposed to have snow this week!!!
Susan F/Iowa
I am giving a baby shower for my daughter-in-law who is expecting our grandson June 1st :*) CAN'T WAIT ~!!!!!
Love the necklace...but that is no surprise. April will be a blast for me. The first weekend I'm off to our women's retreat. My hubby surprised me with it as a gift. Then the third weekend I'm off on road-trip to Phoenix, AZ with some of the most fun ladies I know. We are all business partners and we are heading there for a conference. Two "all-girls" weekends in one month just can't be beat. Top that off with a very special day at the end of the month (my step-sister's wedding reception). We haven't seen each other in years and I'm really looking forward to reconnecting with her. I have 4 kiddos so basically everyday is a fun day, but April will be particularly FUN and exciting!
I am going to win a Lisa Leonard give-away this month...
For real...I hope to sleep a little bit this month.
145 - I'm just sayin...
How sweet this necklace is! Something fun planned for April...how about 3 birthdays!?!
I have been following your blog for several months and love reading your posts. The snows are melting, there are baby animals at nearby Drumlin Farm, so we plan to wear our rain boots and go squish, squish, squish through the mud around the farm. For my kids (ages 6, 4 and 4) those farm puddles are even more fun than visiting the animals. We are looking forward to grandma’s visit during school vacation week, and have plans to make many fairy houses in our back yard.
ok, could you stop with all the cute new ideas?! i have only been deciding which i want for, oh, a year now, and this is not very helpful! something fun for april.... camping trip/sean's mtn. bike race! lov you!
Well, let's hope the rest of April is more fun than the beginning, and not following the lead of April 1st, not just known as April Fool's Day, but also the day I have my first root canal! No joke!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather, and my parents and little brother coming to visit toward the end of the month. There's nothing like being with family.
The fun thing I will be doing in April is attend my cousin's wedding. The whole family will be there, it's in a beautiful location at a really good restaurant. Can't wait!
I love your necklaces! Something fun in April...I'm going to Donna Downey's Inspired Artist event in North Carolina next weekend! I'm so excited-I can't wait.
We are hoping to melt the last of the 96+ inches of snow we've had this winter and get our home ready to sell. Our kids are begging to out to walk and ride their bikes. We will relish the site of daffodils and tulips!
Fun in April ~ helping plan a surprise 80th birthday party for my dad the first weekend in May. Love your blog, Lisa.
I love this jewelry so much! There is just something sweet about wearing the names of my kids close to my heart! Our fun project for April is creating a canvas for our playroom. We just moved for the fourth time in three years in December and we are getting down to finishing each room.
My husband and I are going away this weekend to the Kane County Flea Market in St. Charles IL. If I don't win the necklace, I'm ordering one. My step-daughter will love it.
F-U-N => Family Up North
Hubby & I are gonna bring our 'boys' (a 7 month old hamster & a 5 weeks old guinea pig) on a road trip up north from where we are staying. :) It's gonna be a family bonding time heh heh because the guinea pig just joined the us less then a week ago. it's gonna be hilarious having them around. Their hay/snacks/pellets/etc alone will take up the whole boot space ha ha We are seriously looking forward to that :) You have a great April too! =)
That necklace is pure sweetness as always, Lisa! Yay, I LOVE LOVE your giveaways!
Ok, my fun event would be walking in the March of Dimes walk with my sis/best friend for my (premie) nephews!! Plus, family photos taken at Picture People...if that doesn't spell F-U-N then I don't know what does!!! ;) :D Have a great day, Lisa!!
My grandfather's 85th birthday, my son's 7th birthday, and my 39th birthday are within 3 days of each other so we are celebrating with a huge blowout by our pond. There will be bar-b-que, cake, horseshoes, sand volleyball, and much celebrating with friends and family. I can't wait!
A fun thing for me in April is meeting my 5 month old niece Hailey for the first time. Your jewelry is so beautiful!
April...I have a trip to Canada planned...rest and relaxation...something everyone needs. Your jewelry is gorgeous!
I just adore your jewelry. Going to get a piece or two one day!!
Fun thing in April... Going to an all day Women's Conference and then going to a Teddy Bear sleepover with my daughter's Girl Scout troop! Quality big girl and little girl time. :)
Yet another have to have!!
My fun for April will be the digging of a large hole to build our new home!! April will be the start of a 12 month adventure!!
Your designs are wonderful! I'm crossing my fingers to get one soon ;) Fun event for april...what could be better than a wedding? My sister in law is getting married in two weeks!!
Just found your blog yesterday. Gorgeous necklace! My fun April is going to be my son's wedding on the 19th! So looking forward to the gathering of family and friends!
chris p
I am having my first daughter, Grace. That is scheduled too! April 7th will be a good day!
My friend Heather directed me to your site... what great jewelry! I used to make some myself, but I haven't done it in awhile... You inspire me to get started again!
April is going to be a fun month for my family. The 16th is our 4th wedding anniversary, and later on in the month is my husband’s birthday. My husband was injured in Iraq a little over 2 years ago now and lost his right arm and left leg in an IED attack. Despite that we have managed to go to Ruth Chris for dinner every year (besides our first anniversary when he was overseas!) We are looking forward to this tradition again this year, but will have to hire a babysitter this time! We have a 10 month old daughter now- Whew! Life changes fast!
If I were to win your generous give away, I’ve got to be honest… I’d give it to my friend Heather. She’s been talking about your jewelry for awhile now, and every great Mom deserves something pretty to represent her family! I hope your April is just as fun as mine will be! Sorry for the long entry and congratulations on your successful business! Looks like you have lots of people admiring your work… :)
Love my 'teeny-tiny' necklace - love this new one too!
Great stuff, Lisa - always so fabulous!!
love it - so fun!
For April - my brother and his two boys are here and will be here into the beginning of April for a ski trip. This is the first time I have seen any of my family in 7 months - this is so nice!
The rest of April, I am looking forward to warmth, sunshine, and hanging out with my kids. Our calendar is fairly wide open and I am so excited to have a month with not much on the schedule :o)
kite flying!!! Oh the joy to just take in some simple kite flying with the kids..they all love it.
And, I would love a free necklace, or even one that I have paid for, I just think I could get a free one first :)
We’re goin’ to the zoo, zoo, zoo
How about you, you, you?
You can come too, too, too
We’re goin’ to the zoo, zoo, zoo.
we're going thursday!
My fun for April... Visiting my sister in Florida to get away from all the snow in Utah and taking my three year old to Disney World for the first time. He is so excited!!!!
gorgeous gorgeous, gorgeous. I love your jewellery.
Fun thing for April: Tomorrow is April Fools Day right, so let's start with a recipe I found to use pound cake, marshmallows and vanilla frosting dyed yellow to make 'eggs & toast' - the kids will love it. Then it's off to see The Wiggles in concert. Yeah.
We are getting the sidewalk chalk out. Yep - all 24 colors! It's a celebration since we haven't seen the sidewalks (covered in ice and snow) in months! Love your work.
Carrie M. in Iowa
yikes...193 comments. Heres one more. Next weekend the women in my family are going on our annual shopping trip. We spend a small fortune, giggle like little girls, and eat way too much. It is perfect and lovely.
This is darling, and I would love to have it around my neck!
Building a swingset!! Fun when it is finished anyway! :-)
April in Seattle - I'm hoping for blue skies and balmy winds, after a long, wet and cold winter.
And if that doesn't happen, we have family birthday celebrations planned that will be sure to chase the clouds away.
My husband was looking over my shoulder as I was on your website. He saw your design for April and commented that he likes it. Fun thing(s)for April? Vicariously, I will enjoy Disneyland when our 12 year old goes with our church's youth group. I can hardly wait to hear about it. This weekend, we, as a family, will be going to a foster family retreat. It should be refreshing as well as a great time of networking with other fost/adopt parents.
I'm a Stampin' Up! Demo and here in Australia our catalogue runs April to March so today I've put in my first catalogue order and now I get all the fun of waiting and unwrapping the parcel when it arrives!
It doesn't sound like much to other people but to me it's like a Christmas everytime i get a new order in the mail!
So hurry up mailman and bring me Christmas in April!
My hubby is going to do a getaway with the guys and I'm hopefully going to get to do one with the girls.
Love the little charms! :)
Our fun event for me and my kids is in early May. We are traveling to Nebraska for my oldest nieces high school graduation. Yes they are out of school May 3rd! Will be fun to see lots of cousins we haven't seen in awhile! Love the new necklace and I can't wait to see your website! I'm still waiting for you in Mission Viejo!
Tracey I
Looking forward to April? Yes, indeedy, I am!
In 3 weeks my hubby and I finally get to meet our Little One {by ultrasound} for the first time, which is immensely exciting. We had been trying for a number of years to get pregnant and so this baby is especially meaningful and hoped for.
Oh - you are so sweet!
My fun thing for April isn't really for me. My parents are traveling to China, which is kind of a big event for the whole family. They are both hard working, so they really deserve this break. And me... I'm just happy being able to sit outside reading in the sun after the long winter:)
The Tulip Festival north of Seattle is our April outting. Beautiful petals, fields of color and appreciating the beauty all around.
My sister and her family are heading out here to spend a week with me. I am so excited to see my niece and nephew Saturday - you would think I am a kid too! (Btw, your jewelry is beautiful).
that is so kind of you!!
We have several fun things planned for April:
*I am heading up to Bergen in Norway, to take Celine Navarros class!jeeeej!! I can't wait!
*One of my friends is coming to our town to have aa class, and I get to hang with her!!
*We are leaving to Prague, from Saturday til tuesday, with almost all of my co-workers and spouses.
Hope you have a lot oplanned for april too:)
My fun event is a trip to Aruba that I earned for free for me and my husband with my business. This is a HUGE event in our household, as my husband and I have not been away since our honeymoon just about 10 years ago. :) WOW!
thursday night farmer's market downtown, hiking in the park with all the wildflowers, picnics at the park, yard sales, getting dirt under my fingernails, sewing, and begging my husband for one of your necklaces for mother's day! :)
I'm going on a mini break this week-end. All on my own. Something I've beein waiting a loooong time for.
What a cute & sassy necklace! I just love it :) This April I am going to do the thing I look forward to the most all year long.. Spring Clean. I just love to take the time to organize my life :) It seems to be the only downtime for me all year long :)
LOVING this necklace! I have a couple of of celebrations planned. Both my husband and oldest daughter (14) have birthdays and my mother-in-law is coming to town to see our new baby girl (three weeks old today) - YAY!
Necklace is spectacular! Fun thing for April - weekend away with my husband! Off to Sydney to see Billy Elliott and the Princess Diana dress exhibit at the Powerhouse Museum. Time for us, cannot wait!!
Fun activity for April ... I'm going to ...
Work like I don't need the money, love like I've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching (and keep reading one of my best blogs ... http://lisaleonard.blogspot.com/
That is a beautiful necklace. Love it.
I'm heading off to Utah and then to Arizona to visit family and meet some new friends and then back to Utah for a daughter's university graduation. Can life get any better than that?!?
What a great necklace! This month is a busy one...next weekend is a wedding shower for my cousin, the following weekend is a baby shower for my sister-in-law and the weekend after that is my cousins wedding which I'm singing in. No rest for the wicked I guess ;)
Fun for me in April will be lots of Baseball! Baseball practice for my daughter and my son followed by games! They love it!
My fun this month is Inspired Artist Workshop that Donna Downey is hosting. Can't wait. The necklace is fabulous. Great blog. Thank you!
Sherry Mescher
My fun thing planned is watching and supporting my sister as she runs The Boston Marathon on April 21st. She has been raising money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. She will be running towards the ultimate finish line....a world without cancer!!!!!!!
-Gretchen mom to W& L, proud sister of MB
Hooray another contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have our first baseball game of the season planned for April 15! Indians vs Red Sox! Should be a very interesting game! We have treated our family this year and have tickets for every month of the season, plus we want to get to some other cities to see our team play!
What a great necklace! We will be flying a kite, going to the park and enjoying being outside without snow pants (hopefully soon - we received 6 more inches of snow yesterday).
What a beautiful necklace! Our fun event in April is to see the Cherry Blossoms in DC! What fun!
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