Wednesday, September 10, 2008

plain or peanut?

I bought m&m's at the grocery store earlier this week. 90 calories in the fun size (personally i think the bigger packages are more fun). the perfect solution to my sweet tooth...a small snack just to satisfy me. nope, i ate five packages and proceeded to lose all self-respect. and i still can't decide if i like plain or peanut better. how about you??


Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Thanks for least I'm not the only one! Peanut is by far my favorite.

Simply Me Art said...

This has been a Guilty Pleasure of mine before too. I think I like them both equally. Only 90 calories? Wow...

Sallie said...


Brie Latini said...

Um, have you tried the peanut butter M&M's. Oh. My. Goodness. They are awesome! But, if I had to choose between plain or peanut, it's peanut all the way baby! At least that way I can pretend to get a little protein with my chocolate! :-)

Melinda said...

Peanut for sure!! Also like the almond and the peanut butter ones. Where would the world be without M&M's...

Anonymous said...

I love the peanut if i have a choice, I like the crunch I think. But will not turn a plain one down. Just love your blog.

Misty said...

BOTH! plain reminds me of movies as a child and peanut is just .... delicious! now they have dark chocolate peanut m & m's.........they are WONDERFUL!

uh oh... i will have to buy all three kinds today when i venture out! :)

Karen said...

Definitely peanut!

Karyn said...

I'm right there with you...who could stop at one bag? I prefer the plain, isn't chocolate the perfect food? Off to drink my chocolate coffee. YUM

Unknown said...

PEANUT . . . My most favorite but I do like plain. Love the fact that they are only 90 calories a pack. I think I'd fall in the trap of eating several bags like you did, though.

Melody said...

Peanut. Just chocolate feels like junk food, but peanuts are healthy. ;-)

Darcy said...

Are we talking "fun-size" like for Halloween? Because, of course that is for kids, so naturally the bags are small. Any self-respecting (read normal) adult would need several of the small bags if not a big bag to fully serve the purpose of the M&Ms and be satisfied...
And peanut for me under most situations but I like the plain with a hot coffee drink...

pam said...

Dark chocolate peanut are God's glory in the chocolate world. I need to look for these fun pack whatever's and see if they have them in the dark chocolate. WHAT A WONDERFUL TREAT!!!!!

Cara said...

You are so funny...I would do the same thing although I would eat all five packages of the peanut m&m's! I want some candy.

Dena said...

Plain! With a Diet Coke! Was my everyday lunch while in High School.

Posey said...

Peanut is my favorite. The peanut break-up the sweetness of the chocolate. But don't get me wrong, I've never turned down a plain M & M.

~Caroline~ said...

I love the plain!

Teresa said...

M&M sales are going up this week. Maybe they should pay you? I, too, now have to pick up M&Ms at the store today. Peanut. A nap this morning and candy this afternoon, truly, I will have no self respect left!

Nancy Peacock said...

Peanut...all the way!

Theresa said...

I am a PEANUT girl too.

Karen said...

I definitely like plain m&m's better. Most people prefer the peanut ones, but for some reason I'm not too wild on them. Plain are always my first choice :)

trinawalker said...

peanut for sure!!

kelly bee said...

Depends. Snack or meal? Plain are so yummy, but I count Peanut as a meal if not a food group.

Melissa. said...

Peanut all the way.

Michaelene said...

Plain! But, I wouldn't forego the peanut, the peanut butter or the dark if offered =) M&M's make mommy's happy!

heidi @ ggip said...

Peanut. I actually have grown not to like the plain much at all. But I do love the holiday ones with the little bit of minty flavor in them. ;)

Karen said...

plain - kept in the freezer - if they last that long

Amy said...

Peanut, by far. But I'll need 5 packages just to make sure. :)

erin said...

This is an age old question I have never been able to answer. I love both too! Those snack size things will get ya. As long as I can remember every time I go shopping with my mom we get a thing of m&ms at the check out counter to share.

rohanknitter said...

Plain, hands down!!

Unknown said...

*lol* Actually I'm eatingpeanut M&Ms at the momet *lol* So that's the answer.. :)

megan said...

lol. I like plain. Oh the joy of tiny packages. I can't seem to control myself either. Oh for the days of highschool when junk food had such a small effect...I would buy a GIANT bag of peanut butter mnms and eat them over a two day period at drivers ed. If I did that now I don't think I would want to look in the mirror (or wear jeans) for a week!

Rhonda said...

Peanut, definitely.

dedesmith32 said...

Peanut for me! What is better than nuts and chocolate! :)

Denissa said...

Love them both, the boys and I just finished off the halloween colored bag that were plain. As of now I guess it would have to be plain :)

Tânia Pinto said...


Tanya said...

Mmmm...I love plain! I'm not a huge peanut fan (except for peanut butter).

Kristen Borland said...

oh, not peanut butter but peanut. mmm... that sounds so good right now!

Anonymous said...

Dark Chocolate Peanut

Ellen said...

This is cool. I just bought two packages of M&M's this morning. One peanut, one chocolate. BIG sized packages. Ment to be eaten by only me, myself and I. And that's what i'll be doing after finishing this post. Thanks for reminding me, i kinda forgot about them.

Anonymous said...

peanut :) no question about that!

Tamara said...

Ummm...neither....PEANUT BUTTER FILLED M & M's are by far greater! :) ha! BTW, I found out I did get a necklace from you from my mommy for my birthday but I don't get it till October...boy am I biting at the bit to get it!!!! :)

Kate said...

PEANUT!!! but more recently I've been enjoying the ones in the orange packaging...peanut butter m&ms.

Ashton and John's mom said...

make it peanut butter and i'm right there with you! not that i wouldn't eat plain or peanut otherwise! ;)

Anonymous said...

peanut, for sure

angie said...

I LOVE M&Ms! I can't decide either, so don't feel bad!

Tina said...

Mini plain M&Ms on top of soft serve ice cream.....the best! Had some at Buckey's Ice Cream shop and the best part was it was two for one($1.20 for two). My daughter and I enjoyed every bite!!

Cristi said...

Have you tried the Peanut Butter ones? Oooooohh!

Finding Normal said...

Plain with some pretzels thrown in.

thistledowns wool & cotton said...

oh peanut. i feel like it's healthier with the nut!
going to show my necklace from you on my blog tomorrow! cause i love it soooo much :)

jbrew said...

For sure peanut, but if they aren't around, then the peanut butter ones!!

Anonymous said...

plain...but they have to be dark chocolate (purple packaging)!

Irish Girl said...

I used to like plain better... but now I like peanut better... b/c I figure the peanuts are healthy and so it's a "healthy snack" :)
Oh, and I was just telling my best friend the other day about how you actually end up eating more when you have the snack packs then if you would've just bought the full size. :)
Miss you!

Farm Girl in MD said...

#1 is peanut butter
#2 is peanut
#3 is plain!

Sara said...

Someone once told me you had to walk the length of a football field to work off ONE peanut M&M and that has always stuck with me. I try to stay away from them for that reason.

My daugther loves plain M&Ms, so I probably eat more of those.....I wonder how far you have to walk to work off one plain one?

If calories don't count, I would choose peanut any day though.

:) Sara

Stephanie said...

dark chocolate peanut! :)

C. Beth said...

Dark chocolate M&Ms. Mmm. And I have convinced myself they are healthier.

Stephanie said...

Ooh, that's a tough one. I love the addition of the peanuts but sometimes I'm just feeling the plain. I think my preference would be peanut though. Halloween candy anyone??

life in red shoes said...

Plain. They are my absolute fave, they beat out all the rest.

Lou said...

I eat plain m&m's during the day because they taste so chocolatey, and I eat peanut m&m's at night because they taste more indulgent and nutty and not so chocolatey for right before bedtime! Not a straight forward answer, I know, but a woman's chocolate indulgence is not a simple thing!

steffi said...

Nobody mentioned the crunchy ones so far (blue package)! Aren't they available in the US? I can hardly believe that, cause even WE poor people (in the Netherlands) who don't have peanut butter or dark ones have them...
Anyway they are my first choice!

asnipofgoodness said...

I'm with you, big bags are much better, in plain or peanut, but for sure the big bag!!!

Anna said...


junebug22 said...

Plain or Peanut?? That's a no-brainer.......BOTH!!

Angie Ulseth said...

Plain! It's the perfect ratio of coating to chocolate with nothing to get in the way.

Wendy said...

Peanutm :) and I can't eat just one package either. :)

Stacy said...

Depends on my mood. Normally just plain chocolate would be my first choice - but there are times I crave the peanut version!

Rachel Slagle said...

peanut with dark chocolate are my favorite

Erin said...

i would totally eat 5 packs too!
especially peanut!

Chickenbells said...

Peanut butter...those are my very favorites!!

Suze said...

Peanut is my favorite. And I'm right there with you on the lose of control..I inhaled three little tubes of smarties earlier before I could stop myself!

Abby said...

I love plain but sometimes I like to get the peanut butter!

Lefty said...

well...based on what you might do to me...I will choose whatever you want me to...I promise I'm not cranky! I promise!!

*jean* said...

ooooooo I like 'em both, but have you tried the DARK chocolate ones???? oooooh my.....


Denise said...

PLAIN! never with peanuts, never, never, never.

and i have boycotted the red and blue ones (i lked'm better when they had the tan colored ones, i don't like change) so i have to eat 2 packs to get the right m&m to female ratio.

but WOW! look at how popular the peanut m&m's are! more plain for me.

janet in ft worth said...

The best are dark chocolate peanut M&Ms. Plain is better in the classic milk chocolate...and even better in a custom color. We bought 25 pounds of turquoise M&Ms for my daughter's wedding.

Amanda said...

peanut, and I can eat a multi-pound bag all in one sitting.

Rachel said...

i always eat more than 3 packs ;0)...PEANUT are my fav but with twins allergic to peanuts I usually opt for plain.

{Erica} said...

Almond :)

Jenny said...

I think I'm in the minority here. I'm a plain kind of gal. :)