I wanted to take a moment to connect with Matty. As I was drove him to preschool I looked in the rear view mirror and said, "Matty I love you (pause) times a million. He looked up at me and with a very serious look on his face replied, "Mommy, I love you, too (pause) times A LOT". Hmmm, he melts my heart.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
after a rushed, crazy morning
I wanted to take a moment to connect with Matty. As I was drove him to preschool I looked in the rear view mirror and said, "Matty I love you (pause) times a million. He looked up at me and with a very serious look on his face replied, "Mommy, I love you, too (pause) times A LOT". Hmmm, he melts my heart.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
my sweet friend lindsey in such an inspiration. we had a play group at her house this morning (which is so, so beautiful!). she had hearts strung from the chandelier and a darling vintage tablecloth drapped over her kitchen table. she bakes cakes, makes cards, and refinishes furtinure. she sews pillows, curtains, capes, and made me this adorable apron. check out her blog for some inspiration. now i need to go paint a table or bake some muffins...
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also i love giveaways is giving away one of my necklaces. can't hurt to enter!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
i'm happy to report...

that David has been doing great in the tub the last two days. he fusses a little when i wash his hair, but then he is happy and very splashy. i hope it's a trend!!
matty seems to be feeling better. thanks goodness for antibotics! he is such a healthy kid and hasn't been on antibiotics in three years. what a blessing.
i got a flat tire this morning (argh!) but with the help of a friend (thanks Sharon!) and AAA (thanks Bob!) it got resolved fairly easily.
Anything to happy to report on your end??
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
About $23
Matty needed a haircut so, so badly! I had an appointment for tomorrow but they had to cancel it because of a conflict. I figured it couldn't look any worse, so I went to town. I snipped and trimmed. I combed and compared each side. I layered with abandon. I acted like I knew just what I was doing. And guess what, it is a definite improvement! It actually looks pretty cute. The haircut was going to be $19.50, plus tip brings us to $23. Hmmm, now what should I do with that money...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
love on a chain.
Friday, January 25, 2008
you know that feeling...
when you get the news. the bad news. the news that changes everything and nothing will ever be the same again. you were just living your life when all of a sudden it hits out of nowhere. the world has crumbled around your feet and you sit in the middle of it, devastated...wondering how you can possibly move, let alone take a shower, pay another bill or fix dinner tonight.
your feelings begin to vacillate between desperation, apathy, fear, sadness and anger. then all of a sudden a ray of light breaks through. it might take days or weeks or months, but you feel it--a flicker of happiness. and you wonder, maybe, just maybe there might be a chance that there can be joy in the midst of this heart wrenching pain. and you have hope.
your feelings begin to vacillate between desperation, apathy, fear, sadness and anger. then all of a sudden a ray of light breaks through. it might take days or weeks or months, but you feel it--a flicker of happiness. and you wonder, maybe, just maybe there might be a chance that there can be joy in the midst of this heart wrenching pain. and you have hope.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
fun (and funny) questions...
What products do you use in your hair.
I've been getting a lot of emails lately asking about my hair so skip ahead if you don't want to hear the details of my get ready routine! I use herbal essence totally twisted mousse (maximum hold). I use a lot--about four handfuls. Then I scrunch my hair to boost the curls and spray it with finesse maximum hold hairspray. After that I diffuse it until it is dry. I don't like to leave the house with wet hair. Finally I try to tame it with a little more hairspray.
What setting do you use on your camera? How do you add text to pictures?
I don't think I have settings on my camera--I just use no flash and shoot outdoors mostly. I just discovered picnik.com. I paid $25 for a year membership and I can play with photos, add text, frames, etc. I am already addicted!

What are the small round thingys called that go through the holes in necklaces? Jumprings. Use chain or needle nose pliers to pull the ends sideways away from each other, not straight apart.
What is your daily skincare regimen? I use Nuetrogena anti-wrinkle cream with spf 15 every day. In the evening I wash my face with Olay Smooth Skin exfoliating scrub. I just discovered the latter and I love it!! In high school I had pretty bad acne with a very ruddy complexion and I went on Accutane for 6 months. Also, antiquing and fading photos does a lot for fine lines and imperfections!!
Where does your artistic talent come from, mom or dad? My mom is amazing--very creative. She sews, decorates, makes jewelry, hangs wallpaper, entertains, pretty much anything! My dad has always encourged me to take risks and push myself. Both of these things have played a huge role in starting my own business.
Have you lost weight and how do you get your hair so full?
I haven't lost weight (but thanks!). The question is really about getting my hair under control, not trying to get body. I have a lot of hair and it has a mind of its own!!
What book are you reading?
I just finished Austenland by Shannon Hale. It was a fun, light read that Austen lovers would enjoy. Two of my favorite books/series are The Little Chinese Seamstress by Balzac and The Chronicles of Naria Series by C.S. Lewis. To be honest, I don't have much time for reading right now.
How do people respond to David when you are out and about?
Most people are incredibly gracious and kind. I often notice people looking, sometimes staring. (or maybe they are staring at my big hair!) I realize most people are just curious about David's disability and/or deformity, that's to be expected. I try to make eye contact and smile. It bothers me when someone won't make eye contact with me. I feel the polite way to engage with a person with a disabilty is to make eye contact, smile then make eye contact with the parent or caregiver and smile.
Retardation ranges from mild to severe, how is David affected? CdLS is a very involved genetic disorder. I would say David falls in the moderate range, maybe more on the mild side of moderate, but definitely very affected. It's so hard to say because he has this twinkle in his eye and I know he picks up on a lot.
How can I be as cool as you, Do you think I can reach your heights of awesomeness?
Well Jeannett, thanks for asking. I've studied cool for a long time, I actually minored in cool during college. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but if you are serious about it and willing to put in the long hours, I believe you can achieve your goal.
Who won the last giveaway (lovebirds)? Hannah was the winner! I posted her link on 1.11.08.
How did you encourage David to walk?
David loved bearing weight on his legs from day one. When he was about 18 months old we started using an exersaucer and he would spin around and play with all the toys. Then we got a baby walker when he was about 3 and he cruised around the house. He had a real walker when he was about 3.5 and started cruising (holding on to furniture and walking) when he was four. We definitely encouraged him to walk, but he was very motivated.
How did you get started making jewelry? How can I get my business going? How do you advertise your business?
I started making jewelry in high school with my friends. After David was born, I really wanted to start a small business. I debated between jewelry and wedding favors. I was terrified when I went to City Hall to get my business license. I thought they would laugh me out of the building! I look back on what I knew then about jewelry and smile because I was just learning, but I think sometimes you just have to take a leap and go for it. I often learn while I go. My advise to those wanting to start a business--
1. Go for it! Be brave. If it flops, oh well--try something else!
2. Make the product your own, don't copy other designs. Of course we are all inspired by other artists, but it has to be YOURS to be successful.
3. Constantly research and learn new things about your product. The market is always changing and you want to stay on the forefront.
4. Get a bookkeeper in the beginning. I hate keeping books and I wish I would have done this a lot sooner!
I advertise my business mostly through word of mouth. When people do a post on their blog about me or my jewelry it sends people my way. Thanks so much for those of you who have linked me and feel free to link me if you'd like to!
How can I see all of your jewelry in one place? Are you working on a website?
Right now the blog is the best way to see my jewelry. We are working on a website and I am so excited about it! Hopefully it will be ready in the next couple months. The business has exploded in the last 6 months and I am doing my very best to keep up. I know some of you have had a wait a bit for your jewelry--thanks for being patient with me!!
Thanks for your questions and all your sweet and encouraging words. Happy Wednesday!!
I've been getting a lot of emails lately asking about my hair so skip ahead if you don't want to hear the details of my get ready routine! I use herbal essence totally twisted mousse (maximum hold). I use a lot--about four handfuls. Then I scrunch my hair to boost the curls and spray it with finesse maximum hold hairspray. After that I diffuse it until it is dry. I don't like to leave the house with wet hair. Finally I try to tame it with a little more hairspray.
What setting do you use on your camera? How do you add text to pictures?
I don't think I have settings on my camera--I just use no flash and shoot outdoors mostly. I just discovered picnik.com. I paid $25 for a year membership and I can play with photos, add text, frames, etc. I am already addicted!

What are the small round thingys called that go through the holes in necklaces? Jumprings. Use chain or needle nose pliers to pull the ends sideways away from each other, not straight apart.
What is your daily skincare regimen? I use Nuetrogena anti-wrinkle cream with spf 15 every day. In the evening I wash my face with Olay Smooth Skin exfoliating scrub. I just discovered the latter and I love it!! In high school I had pretty bad acne with a very ruddy complexion and I went on Accutane for 6 months. Also, antiquing and fading photos does a lot for fine lines and imperfections!!
Where does your artistic talent come from, mom or dad? My mom is amazing--very creative. She sews, decorates, makes jewelry, hangs wallpaper, entertains, pretty much anything! My dad has always encourged me to take risks and push myself. Both of these things have played a huge role in starting my own business.
Have you lost weight and how do you get your hair so full?
I haven't lost weight (but thanks!). The question is really about getting my hair under control, not trying to get body. I have a lot of hair and it has a mind of its own!!
What book are you reading?
I just finished Austenland by Shannon Hale. It was a fun, light read that Austen lovers would enjoy. Two of my favorite books/series are The Little Chinese Seamstress by Balzac and The Chronicles of Naria Series by C.S. Lewis. To be honest, I don't have much time for reading right now.
How do people respond to David when you are out and about?
Most people are incredibly gracious and kind. I often notice people looking, sometimes staring. (or maybe they are staring at my big hair!) I realize most people are just curious about David's disability and/or deformity, that's to be expected. I try to make eye contact and smile. It bothers me when someone won't make eye contact with me. I feel the polite way to engage with a person with a disabilty is to make eye contact, smile then make eye contact with the parent or caregiver and smile.
Retardation ranges from mild to severe, how is David affected? CdLS is a very involved genetic disorder. I would say David falls in the moderate range, maybe more on the mild side of moderate, but definitely very affected. It's so hard to say because he has this twinkle in his eye and I know he picks up on a lot.
How can I be as cool as you, Do you think I can reach your heights of awesomeness?
Well Jeannett, thanks for asking. I've studied cool for a long time, I actually minored in cool during college. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but if you are serious about it and willing to put in the long hours, I believe you can achieve your goal.
Who won the last giveaway (lovebirds)? Hannah was the winner! I posted her link on 1.11.08.
How did you encourage David to walk?
David loved bearing weight on his legs from day one. When he was about 18 months old we started using an exersaucer and he would spin around and play with all the toys. Then we got a baby walker when he was about 3 and he cruised around the house. He had a real walker when he was about 3.5 and started cruising (holding on to furniture and walking) when he was four. We definitely encouraged him to walk, but he was very motivated.
How did you get started making jewelry? How can I get my business going? How do you advertise your business?
I started making jewelry in high school with my friends. After David was born, I really wanted to start a small business. I debated between jewelry and wedding favors. I was terrified when I went to City Hall to get my business license. I thought they would laugh me out of the building! I look back on what I knew then about jewelry and smile because I was just learning, but I think sometimes you just have to take a leap and go for it. I often learn while I go. My advise to those wanting to start a business--
1. Go for it! Be brave. If it flops, oh well--try something else!
2. Make the product your own, don't copy other designs. Of course we are all inspired by other artists, but it has to be YOURS to be successful.
3. Constantly research and learn new things about your product. The market is always changing and you want to stay on the forefront.
4. Get a bookkeeper in the beginning. I hate keeping books and I wish I would have done this a lot sooner!
I advertise my business mostly through word of mouth. When people do a post on their blog about me or my jewelry it sends people my way. Thanks so much for those of you who have linked me and feel free to link me if you'd like to!
How can I see all of your jewelry in one place? Are you working on a website?
Right now the blog is the best way to see my jewelry. We are working on a website and I am so excited about it! Hopefully it will be ready in the next couple months. The business has exploded in the last 6 months and I am doing my very best to keep up. I know some of you have had a wait a bit for your jewelry--thanks for being patient with me!!
Thanks for your questions and all your sweet and encouraging words. Happy Wednesday!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
my heart is set on living.
i decided to make this necklace mine. my sister-in-law asked me why this phrase was meaningful to me. in short, i don't want to be stifled by fear, or hung up by grief or discontentment. i want to live fully and let my life be marked by joy, tears, laughter, pain and being present in each moment. Some days that seems easy and some days it is just so hard!

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Tomorrow I am planning to do a post answering questions about me, my family, jewelry or my hair (I've been getting a lot of email about my hair LOL!). If you have a question, leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer it.

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Tomorrow I am planning to do a post answering questions about me, my family, jewelry or my hair (I've been getting a lot of email about my hair LOL!). If you have a question, leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer it.
Monday, January 21, 2008
highlights from out trip.

Other highlights...Janines's amazing cooking, Danny taking me to Sears to introduce me to some new tools that I can use for jewelry making, Wii, Steve letting me sleep in and waking up to fresh coffee, watching the new Masterpiece Persuasion on PBS, eating brownies, bars and donuts, Spring Creek, and seeing it snow!!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
sweet times in texas.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
today's a good day to...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
i've been having fun creating some new, different pieces in the last few weeks. here's a few...
Set on living. A sterling heart (about 1") with adjustable small link chain (16-18"), funky letters and edge detail. I love this piece! $56
Explore. Doesn't this make you want to go try something new?! Hammered open circle with funky letters, 18" sterling ball chain and freshwater pearl. $48
A worthwhile ride. so whimsical. so fun. 1 1/4" hammered rectangle with adjustable small link chain, funky letters and edge detail. $56
Which one is your favorite??
Which one is your favorite??
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
the perfect date is...
Monday, January 14, 2008
photography with lisa.
this is seriously FUNNY! I really know very little about photography, but I get a lot of emails asking about my camera and techniques, so here's the low down...
*I have a Casio Exilim digital camera that I got as a Mother's day gift last year. We purchased on clearance at Target for around $100.
*I take a lot of pictures and choose the best ones. Most are junk! I also prefer daylight, since I have no idea how to properly use a flash.
*We use a Mac and I use iphoto to edit my pics. Here is the pic before...

*I often shoot on an angle and then rotate the pics. I also try to crop out my pictures in fun, interesting ways. I have no problem cutting off someone's head. LOL
* I antique my pics and lighten the color a bit. Sometimes I blur the edges. And here is the end result.

Not at all technical, but so fun!
*I have a Casio Exilim digital camera that I got as a Mother's day gift last year. We purchased on clearance at Target for around $100.
*I take a lot of pictures and choose the best ones. Most are junk! I also prefer daylight, since I have no idea how to properly use a flash.
*We use a Mac and I use iphoto to edit my pics. Here is the pic before...
*I often shoot on an angle and then rotate the pics. I also try to crop out my pictures in fun, interesting ways. I have no problem cutting off someone's head. LOL
* I antique my pics and lighten the color a bit. Sometimes I blur the edges. And here is the end result.
Not at all technical, but so fun!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
happy birthday, matty!
It's actually on Tuesday, but we celebrated today with a couple families and Nana and Papa. Matty was so excited. He helped me make the rocket ship decorations and bake the cupcakes. We set the table together. We ordered pizza and let the kids run around. It was a stress-free celebration.
We also said good-bye to his pacifer today. This is a sad time, but at some point, we have to make the break. We have explained that big boys don't need pacifiers anymore. Instead they get to go to bed with a flashlight. We got him a really cool flashlight for his birthday. Growing up so good and so hard!!
Happy (early) birthday sweet guy!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
lunch in cayucos.
nana and papa are in town for matty's birthday tomorrow. we had lunch in cayucos and it was SUCH a beautiful day. the rest of today will be spent making cupcakes, wrapping a couple small gifts and setting the table. we are having a very small gathering to celebrate 4 years. wow!
Hannah is our love birds necklace winner! Congratulations Hannah!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Sometimes people ask me how I can be so positive when I have a child with a disability. I've been thinking about this lately. I've seen families come together and thrive during times of struggle and I've seen families fall apart. Why do some seem to weather the storms easier?
There is no doubt we were devastated when David was born. I had a plan and it didn't include a child with a disability. I was heartbroken and sure that I would never experience joy again. The baby we hoped for didn't exist and in it's place we had a tiny little person with so many needs and unknowns. Everything felt out of control.
I believe that God is in control and he will do as he pleases. This brought me so much comfort. I gave up trying to control my life and decided to be miserable if that is what God wanted for me. Of course, through the letting go, I have experienced so much more joy than I could have otherwise.
I also believe that although David's body is 'broken' his soul is whole. He is a precious person, loved by God and therefore valuable.
This gift from God did not look like I had expected, but it continues to change me from the inside out, and I am so grateful.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
7 things you might not know about me ...
I've been tagged so here goes...
1. I'm married to my best friend which is such a blessing, but of course, we occasionally fight. Our biggest areas of disagreement--he gets frustrated with my disorganization, I am impatient when he is late.
2. I craved quesadillas when I was pregnant with both David and Matty. Yesterday I ordered a quesadilla from Taco Bell and for a moment thought, "What if I am pregnant?!". I'm not, though.
3. I learned to drive in a Pinto hatchback which in high school was the most humiliating thing I could imagine.
4. After I graduated from college, I was a wedding coordinator for a private facility. I loved getting to know the brides and helping them plan their day. Unfortunately sales dropped while I worked there because I was always trying to help the brides save money.
5. I love Target (that you knew!) But for some reason, I feel like I shouldn't be held responsible for the amount of money I spend there. I mean, it's not my fault they have such amazing stuff at such reasonable prices.
6. My favorite food right now is chocolate ice cream, with chocolate syrup and sliced bananas. I'm making you hungry, huh!
7. We live on a dirt road in a small town outside of San Luis Obispo, CA. The post office won't deliver packages on our road, which I think is so wierd!
OK, seriously, if you read this, consider yourself tagged!!
Monday, January 7, 2008
dreading bathtime.
Lest I sound too positive, let me complain a little. Bathtime with David the last couple months has been a nightmare. Here's how it usually goes...
-I take a deep breath and gear up for a struggle. I tell myself, "I can handle this. Just stay calm."
-We enter the bathroom and start the warm water running. David begins to cry.
-He fusses while I undress him but REALLY gets mad once I put him in the water.
-He is screaming and arching, I'm trying to wash him as quickly as I can and hold onto his soapy body.
-I pull him out and try to dry him off, By this point I am soaked, his reflux is acting up and I am yelling at Matty to stop splashing water all over the bathroom.
*sigh* To end on a positive note, I have to say, I love a clean, yummy David in striped jammies with monkey slippers.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
love birds.
Feels like it's time for a giveaway!
What makes you feel loved? Leave us a comment and I'll choose a winner for a new 'love birds' necklace. Wouldn't it be sweet to have you & your sweetie's names stamped on the pendant?
Friday, January 4, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
getting back on track.
totally posed, but who cares!
We've been visiting with family and having a wonderful time, but now we are home and MAN it is a wreck and I have to get it to a better state so I can function!
I took David to the pediatrician this morning (thanks for your sweet comments!). He feels like it a viral thing and just a stubborn one, so we are going to wait another week and see if he can shake it before we try antibiotics. I don't want to put him on antibiotics unless we absolutely have to.
I am trying to wrap up all the pre-Christmas orders (when I'm not holding David!) and then I've got some fun new things to show you! Happy what-day-is-it?, oh yeah, Thursday!
We've been visiting with family and having a wonderful time, but now we are home and MAN it is a wreck and I have to get it to a better state so I can function!
I took David to the pediatrician this morning (thanks for your sweet comments!). He feels like it a viral thing and just a stubborn one, so we are going to wait another week and see if he can shake it before we try antibiotics. I don't want to put him on antibiotics unless we absolutely have to.
I am trying to wrap up all the pre-Christmas orders (when I'm not holding David!) and then I've got some fun new things to show you! Happy what-day-is-it?, oh yeah, Thursday!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
oh david...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
happy new year.
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