david having fun with daddy. good times!
matty and his pancakes with strawberries and whip cream. i won't tell you about the tantrum he had right after this photo...
silly david. sometimes breakfast is so funny!
matty tripped while playing and split his lip. ouch! he got some good loving from daddy and then from me. it just looked like he had collagen injections for a couple days!
candy store love. matty was in heaven.
the camera takes great photos with lots of detail. i am focusing on learning about ISO (film speed) now. then i'll move onto other things! gotta say, i still love my casio exilim. that little guy is easy to throw in my purse and he takes amazing pics. i am not ready to give him up!
Hey Lisa,
I have a D40 also.....love it! I know what you mean though...can't throw it in your purse! What model is your Casio?
Love the pics. You're like a kid in a candy store with that new camera.
Can't wait to see you guys.
I love the new pictures! I love my big Canon too...I try to bring it places, though and what ends up being used is my little one. Oh well.
Congrats on the new D40! I've got one too and it's just enough camera for this beginner. Check out KenRockwell.com for good tips!
Gorgeous pics, as always. I just got a D40 as a graduation gift and I LOVE it.
Find some photography books by Nick Kelsh- easy to understand and apply! He's got great ideas.
I think you would take great pictures with even a disposable camera! And it helps to have such cute subjects :)
How exiting! I have camera envy now!
Lisa--you ROCK! I just got my two necklaces that I ordered and I *LOVE* them. They make me happy and remind me to focus on the positive aspects of life. Thanks for your inspiration!
You got a new camera... FUN!!!
Basic ISO. the lower the number the better quality your picture will be. However they also require more light, more time, etc. so not good for moving subjects like small boys!
Do try to stay away from 1200 or 1600 as they will be super grainy. In most cases you shouldn't have to go above 800 unless you're photographing some super high speed action!
My Nikon D-50 has a setting where you can tell it your choice of ISO (like 200 or 400) and then also a setting where the camera will override that if it thinks you won't get a good enough picture (mostly in a low light situation)
Have fun playing!
You lucky girl!
Hugs from Sol
PS! I'm having a giveaway over at my blog.
What an awesome present!
I'm thinking about buying a new camera, and will most likely get a big Nikon too.
I have a Nikon D80 but it intimidates the heck out of me! ;) Please tell me everything you learn.
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