i told steve a few months ago that my goal was to get every cupboard, drawer and closet organized. i should never speak words like that outloud. sure, set a goal and internalize it, but never SAY it. i am not an organized person in general. i know where everything is, but it might not look 'orderly'. things move from order to chaos and then back to order again. piles accumulate, then i attack them, but somehow they accumulate again. it's so wierd :) so the pantry is organized and we have flowers and candles on the front porch, but the laundry is in a state of despair (we might have to buy some clean underwear tonight if i don't get on it!!). alternating chaos...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
alternating chaos...
i told steve a few months ago that my goal was to get every cupboard, drawer and closet organized. i should never speak words like that outloud. sure, set a goal and internalize it, but never SAY it. i am not an organized person in general. i know where everything is, but it might not look 'orderly'. things move from order to chaos and then back to order again. piles accumulate, then i attack them, but somehow they accumulate again. it's so wierd :) so the pantry is organized and we have flowers and candles on the front porch, but the laundry is in a state of despair (we might have to buy some clean underwear tonight if i don't get on it!!). alternating chaos...
"alternating chaos" ... I like that description!! :) Pretty much sounds like my house as well. I'm horrible with piles. As I tackle them, I try to think of Genesis and how God has called us to 'subdue' that chaos... to bring it into a place of beauty, like tending to a garden. It always feels better afterward doesn't it?
i am so with you on the piles, friend.
I can totally relate to "accumulating piles", it drives my husband CRAZY!!
It is a never ending battle. Who needs organization when you can take beautiful photos like that! love it!
Thanks for your encouraging posts on my blog.
I definitely relate to this!
I feel your pain ;)
i ditto sarah
I was just lamenting to my husband that I can never get every room in the house clean AT THE SAME TIME. ugh. By the way, I love your header (new? not sure as I now get you through bloglines so don't see your site much anymore) - super cute shoes!
finally a word for it! Or an organized mess maybe? Anyway I have the same issues. I think having two little ones in the house adds to the chaos! Love the picture of your porch and the bird houses... i may have to use that idea!
I cycle through the same things with organizing - just can't seem to have everything organized at the same time. Is that even possible??!!
Good luck with the laundry - I'll think of you when I down in my laundry room tonight!
i am so glad that we all have alternating chaos and piles. it's nice to know that we are all in the same boat.
I can so relate, I've been at this ever since the kids have arrived but I must say rebuilding/remodeling over the last 10 years & starting up my own business have not helped either..... But my motto is, a little pile everyday will help me get there in the end ...
Lisa, you just described my house, I'm glad i'm not the only one out there. Thanks on a early Thursday morning.
I had to laugh out loud reading your blog today about the laundry. I am mother of 8 children. This morning I showered and dressed in the wee hours of the morning to have a little "me" time. However, I'm out of underware also, I have on my 12 year old daughter's Mickey Mouse underware. Hope I don't get into a wreck today.... it would be embarassing at the hospital when they undressed me. HAHA! Remember what your mother always told you? I think I will go to the laundry mat today... I can do 8 loads in 1 - 1/2 hours for $12.00.
I am so with you on the piles. I have to make room for my girls to eat at the bar or on the table because of all my piles, which infuriates my "clutter-free" husband, Steve.
Lisa, I received my niece's graduation necklace! I love it and I can't wait to give it to her!
Shelly Primm
I really like your blog, I will be stopping by again.
Perfect description as I put off cleaning/organizing our storage area in the basement. Same day...different chaos!
I keep telling my husband how can four people possibly have this many dirty clothes !!!! You think 12 people live in our house. Guess that means I just don't do the laundry enough during the week. LOL....My friend has a cleaning lady that not only cleans her house but does her laundry, but the thought of someone folding our underwear....EWWWWWWWW !!
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