Isn't this fun? Lately I've been getting a second wind at 10pm and start organizing the house, paying bills and getting creative. Leave us a comment and let us know what you like to accomplish after 10pm. I'll choose one winner for a freebie!
If you're not a night owl, it would be also be cute to stamp 'wise bird' for a friend, mommy, or teacher gift. Happy Monday!
I catch up on all my not-even-ashamed-to-love-them reality shows like So You Think You Can Dance, Project Runway and the Amazing Race. And, to assuage my guilt, I also fold laundry.
I love this as I am such a night owl! I love to stay up late and catch up on my reading - especially all of the blogs in my feedreader! I also love to scrapbook and make cards late, but only with a friend for company!
I never was a night owl until I had my third child. But, the reason being is because otherwise I have no time! Honestly, that my time with my hubby or just quiet time to myself. I catch up on reading blogs or writing my blog...otherwise, I just enjoy the quiet. I know, nothing life changing, but it is to me!
I like to catch up on my reading. I like mindless mysteries - Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes, Amelia Peabody, etc. It's the only thing that unwinds my brain enough so that I can sleep!
I do most everything after 10pm. Laundry, sewing, painting, writing/ blogging. The house is quiet, and things stay clean if you wait to do it until the kids are asleep. Bedtime is midnight at our house!
Hi Lisa - How about one that is for us 'early birds'. A night owl I'm not, but I am up when the stars are still shining and it is dark in the morning....let me know. Love you...
That is adorable. I think all moms are night owls. My favorite thing to do is look in on my sleeping beauties. I cherish their little sleeping faces. In between, I read a ton! It's the only time I can do it without a little one thrusting his/her book in my face and suggesting I switch to their book!
I have always been a night owl...drives my husband crazy! I catch up on laundry, read, or knit. I think it most appeals to me because it is completely quiet and there is only noise if I want there to be! Oh my gosh is the owl pendant adorable! LOVE IT!
For some reason, I get super tired at 7pm... then all wound up at 10! I like to do laundry and dishes. Oh, and catching up on my favorite blogs! :) I am LOVING this pendant!!
Night time is when my husband and I have time to talk. The boy goes to sleep late after which we catch up on our reading/ blogs, etc (no cable). Then when we've stayed up too long, we check on the boy, get in bed with the dog and talk until one of us says enough! It's usually me, so he rubs my back as I fall asleep. If only we could start the sequence at 7 p.m. instead of 8:30!
Let's see ... that would be folding laundry and watching TV time. So nice to enjoy the quiet house after the end of a long day. :)
LOVE the night owl necklace!
I love to listen to great mellow music and read!
I rarely stay up past 10:30pm otherwise I am one grumpy teacher. Although this past month, I've stayed up till 11pm+ studying for my exam. Now that that is over with, I've been cuddling with my husband on the couch and reading. Since there is nothing good on tv that late, I can just relax with a cup of tea. Although... yesterday organizing the back bedroom starting calling me. Hmmm... perhaps that will be my late night tonight! I did just buy some new storage containers!
i'm not a night owl, but sometimes it's necessary. i'm spending my evenings sewing for the boutique. what i should be doing after 10pm is sleeping!
Lately i've had the motivation to go through several boxes that i keep hidden under my bed (who doesn't have stuff stored under there?!). These boxes contain allll kinds of memorabilia - mostly from jr high and (slo) high school. Notes from friends, cards, pictures, receipts, ticket stubs...I could go on and on.
It has been SO much fun to re-live these memories! And also to finally organize things according to date, etc. Not an easy task! For some reason the motivation to do this doesn't strike til about 9pm. And yes, i AM a night owl:)
Fun post!
- jen a.
After 10:00pm is when my day starts...LOL or so it feels. Organzing kid stuff for the next day, laundry, updating my calendar. So many other things I can't think of.
I used to be a night owl- catching up on work, watching movies with my hubby, thinking about how I should put the laundry away. Now, as the mom of a newborn baby, I am either sleeping or wishing I was sleeping!
If I happen to be a night owl, which I usually am not, it's usually because I'm caught up in a sewing project of some kind. Right now it's a birthday quilt for my husband. :)
Love the necklace so very cute!!!! I am a night owl and I love to catch up on my tivo recordings of reality shows galore or lingering in the blog world!!!
This is so me! I get my second wind about 10 p.m. and I like to clean bathrooms and vacuum the house. It drives my husband completely bonkers! I tell him that it's now or never, baby! I have to harness that energy and it's the only time I feel like cleaning.
I catch up on my recorded shows, read my favorite blogs and write my own blog. I always have to peek in on my boys before I go to sleep too.
Oh yeah, totally a night owl! There are times I like to catch up on things after the kids are all in bed and it's quiet, but mostly I like that time with my sweet hubby, to reconnect and just be together. Sometimes I even get a bit of knitting in, which is total therapy for a weary mama.
I've always been a night owl. I love the time to myself. I read blogs, read books, clean, watch chic-flicks, or just relax. I'm not always really productive during this time, but I do enjoy my late nights!
Lately... the most I can stay awake for after 10pm is nursing baby Zeke! In my pre-baby life, 10pm was just the start of my card making time!
I have a 3 year old and an 18 month old. I do EVERYTHING after 10:00 p.m. Blog, Catch up on T.V. shows, Scrapbook, Clean, and the other day I colored my hair on the counter in the bathroom. There is a few brown specks on the wall...(OOPS!)
Wow, I guess there is a whole lot I could accomplish if I stayed up after 8:30pm :)I was inspired by your post and all the comments to stay up late and get stuff done tonight.......I must admit I had to make a cup of coffee at 7pm to help get this accomplished. My favorite time is the early morning, about 6pm. I love being up before my girls and drinking a cup of coffee, reading my blogs, and just taking some ME time! I love the necklace, I have a sister that is a total night owl and it would be perfect for her!!
Ummm...after 10 pm? Is anyone still up after 10 pm? I'm ready for bed around 8 pm, but I make myself stay up until 9:00. My favorite thing to do at night is sleep!
I get crafty when my 3 crazy boys go to bed, LOL! The only time when they don't get their sweet little sticky hands in my all my goodies. The other thing I do after 10 pm is enjoy a slice of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory with my dear hubby. Not every night, but once in a special while.
Seriously, can that owl be any cuter?
I am definately a night owl. My favorite thing to do at night is scrapbook. Once 9:00 hits, so does my creativity. I also like that time because it is "guilt-free" time because all three of my kiddos are in bed and so is my husband.
I am sooo a night owl. Like someone else mentioned I catch up on the million reality shows I watch too. My husband and I catch each other up on our lives together and I catch up on my lounging skills! I love night time :)
I'm just getting started at 10pm. hahaha. Not such a wise bird i know!
Oh girl, what DON'T I do? I do everything from cleaning, organizing, working my Body Shop at Home Biz, watching TV in SILENCE...I do it all!!! I live for a quiet house...:)
I LoVE nights and DREAD mornings. Always need that cup of JAVA to get me going the next morning.
Love the night owl necklace and you're blog -- one of my favorites. Keep up the beautiful jewelry design.
Well it is currently after 10pm so what am I doing. . .trying to catch up from the day and keep in touch with people through blogs. and then yep i am about the watch the bachlor!
Well as you can see this is the time I use to catch up on reading about all the wonderful mom's and there precious children and families. Update my blog and goof around on the internet. I enjoy the quietness, my husbands asleep my baby is asleep and it is just me and my cat. I am lucky that my son does not get up until 8:30ish so I can sleep in, of course he does not go to bed until 10:30pm. He is a night owl too. I work the evening shift and don't get home until 8:30 or 9pm so this schedule fits our life. I have always been a night OWL. BARK AT THE MOON!!! Good night and Happy Thanksgiving Tracy
Your necklaces are amazing! I am becoming a night owl since that's the only me time during the day. I enjoy catching up on tivo'd shows or my favorite blogs. - Carmen
I like to accomplish a little shut-eye! I mean a LOT of shut-eye! In fact, I'm going to bed right now!
I often get my second wind after 10pm and like to catch up on blogging, organizing my craft room, making cards and birthday stationery, and preparing good mail to send out. But if I'm just awake, but not energetic I love to read in bed for until I finally fall asleep.
i enjoy the quiet after my three year old and her twin baby sisters have fallen asleep!... i work on my few remaining hobbies, do some design work, or catch a little conan o'brien... i smell the jasmine blossoming... i write... i read miscellaneous blogs and catch up with emails... i fold laundry to great music or an old favorite movie... if i's been a particularly challenging day, i'll just stare for a while... but i always clean the kitchen before i sneak into bed. i love the solitude, and i love the energy that comes with nighttime. my "i'm not sleepy" pj's are true until it's time to rise in the morning! who-who?! that would be me.
I am a total night owl!!! I love catching up on e-mail, reading blogs, shop online! and scrapbook! Super cute idea, Lisa!
i am such a night owl and feel like i accomplish so much more after 9 pm. i catch up on all of my just-for-fun reading.
I was never a night owl until I had James. Now I seem to get everything done once he goes to clean or pay the bills. It is very strange to be up when it is so dark outside. =)
I like to do a late night check on all the blogs I'm following - inspiration before bedtime!And card- making at this time of year, while winding down to some peaceful music - current fave: Alina by Arvo Part. Sublime!Very last thing I go out into the garden with my dogs and look up at the sky. Can I see the stars tonight?
I am so not an night owl, my favorite thing to do at night is sleep! My best time of the day is early morning. Although with the addition of baby #3, I have become more of a night owl - mostly to read, do a project or watch some shows on TiVo. I get most of my chores at home finished or started early in the morning. I like the peacefulness of that time of the day.
well, I'm not really a night owl, more like an early bird. But when I do stay up late, I am usually reading or quilting. Sometimes I just get "stuff" ready for the next day.
It is a really, really cute idea for a necklace. Your designs are great!
What a sweet necklace. That little owl is too cute. I guess what I do after 10 is to catch up on reading my books. The kids keep me busy during the day so evenings are my time for me.
Oh Lisa!!! That is too cute for words!!!
My late nights are much needed time to myself...for studying, scrapbooking, and sometimes surfing on the web.
LOVE your designs!
Hope you and your family have a
wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Laura Berry
W. Columbia, SC
that is when i think i can accomplish the most...paying bills, catching up on blogs, scrapbooking...just some good alone time! and if not i spend it with my husband on the couch...uninterrupted!
Very cute! Alas, I am definitely not a night owl...can't stay awake past 10:00 no matter how hard I try. It's early morning for me!
This necklace is so me. I definitely get my second wind every night around 9 or 10pm. I like to scrapbook, check blogs, and catch up on whatever is on my DVR. My friends and my husband think I am crazy but there is no way I can go to bed before midnight. Needless to say I am not so happy to get up when the alarm goes off at 6am :)
By the time my three kids are all asleep, I think the day is really beginning. Night time is MY time. Time to smile about the funny things my kids say, time to knit, time to make my chocolate and nuts (like you stamping...I bake until all hours!). On occasion its also time to wrap up in the most cozy afghan crocheted ever so delicately by my grandmother, turn on brain candy General Hospital from the DVR, and get lost staring at the fireplace. Who needs sleep when you can accomplish so many things?!
Once my kids go to bed and are FINALLY asleep, I love to just lay in my bed in read. Unless I have laundry to do, toys to pick up, or the dog to let out. Pick me!
Ahhh -- after 10 -- I put toys away, tidy up, check some blogs and read a little before bed.
Janet B
I love late night dog walks. Every night after 10 my husband and I take our cute little dog on a walk. It is truly the best part of my day.
I love late night dog walks. Every night after 10, my husband and I take our cute little guy for a much appreciated walk. It truly is the best part of my day.
IRONING,its the one time I can focus on all those little wrinkles.
The necklace has to be one of my favorites.
I love to put the kids to bed, gather all 10 or so books that I am reading at the moment, including my bible, plop myself in my bed with some hot tea and then just end up watching tv!!! so much for personal growth.
The late evenings are my time to catch up laundry and creativity. I love to read blogs and am admittedly addicted to I also use the time to watch indie films and documentaries that my family my not enjoy quite as much as I do.
My best friend moved to Michigan 5 years ago. With busy jobs and busy families it's hard for us to keep in touch. We've both found that after our kids and hubbies are in bed we can find time to touch base. I pour myself a cuppa and snuggle up with a blanket and we can chat away on the phone uninterrupted!
I usually am up until 11:30 or 12:30. I wash the dishes (by hand) fold about 2 or 3 loads of laundry, clean my room and plan meals for the next day. I also use this time to schedule school assignments for the kids, look up craft projects, make my weekly menu and work on my budget. I sweep, scrub the floor and clean out the fireplace. You can tell, I get most of my work done after 9:30.
I'm definitely a night owl, too! I've been staying up really late working on Christmas presents for grandparents...calendars, scrapbooks, and editing some new photos for them. It's so much work! I really need to be better about doing my devotions before bed, too!
Well, sometimes I'm a good wife and go to bed with my hubby, but I toss and turn so much, he sleeps better if I just get up! My brain's on overload that time of night. I always think I'll scrapbook, but my creative side doesn't want to mess with the organization that would take. I usually watch my fluff tv shows and read the magazines that always seem to pile up. Currently, I'm finishing a "Creating Keepsakes" from September. hmm.
watch my husband do a million things as he seems to come alive after 10pm!
OMG!!!! I love, love, LOVE owls!!! This one looks so great!! <3
Anyway, I tend to move my furniture at night *lol* I love doing and redoing my deco and stuff like that, even and especially at night so everyone's surprised to not find their things in the morning! *lol* And I do scrapbooking, of course...or watch old/children movies :)
Have a great day/ night! *gg*
Great Idea! Myself and my four year old son are night owls.
What I like to accomplish. Is getting a 4.0 GPA and get my degree. I'm going to school online, and being a single mother the only time I have available to get my homework done and participate in my classes is after 10 pm. So, I want to accomplish a BA in Science with a concentration in Business.
My Mom is a total night owl. She always said if she stayed up after 2:00 AM, then she could never get to sleep. She always stayed up late sewing.
I usually go to bed around 11PM. That time for me is used surfing the internet, reading or watching TV.
My most theraputic moments are what I do past 10 pm...I'm not sure they are productive for pratical matters...but like's when I get to be creative. I generally paint, scrapbook, or get ideas for my newest projects. And when it's time to wind down...I read. All of this I guess helps me to escape the mundane and hard realities of life. I can be just about anywhere in the stroke of a brush or the flip of a page. It soothes my soul and reminds me of who I truly am. I'm definately a night owl, and wouldn't change it for the world!
My night is the beginning to my new day. I get ready for going to work the next day - getting the homeschool curriculm ready for my husband to teach my 6 year old and it is my time to reconnect with my husband and the Lord - quiet time in prayer.
Marie Lopez
Sew! Wit 2 little ones underfoot during the day, night is my time to be creative!
I have been know to wake up at 11pm- set for the day. I get the coffee ready and then do all of the "noise-less" cleaning. I then go to the grocery and like to get my shopping done, it is so nice when the store is quiet. Come back home, unload the groceries, then get a work-out in. I then have the rest of the morning to dream and play in my stuido! Nothing is better in my book.
I usually do a scrapbook page or three and some times when I have a card class, I do kits. Since I work full time and also part time at a scrapbook store, I hate taking time away from my kids for doing kits and stuff. Although some times my 13 y.o. helps. She likes to use the cutter. Just have to make sure she measures twice.
Stephanie M.
After 10PM is MY time..and I do whatever suits me! :) Sometimes it's dishes, sometimes it's laundry, sometimes it's reading but sometimes, it's just sitting with a cuppa mint tea and looking out over the lake...can't ask for much better!
Thanks so very much for offering this're a jewel!
Ah, alone time for Mama. Everyone is in bed and so I break out my books to study my graphic design classes. I never had the chance to go to college and decided this past spring to start. Not easy after being out of school for almost 20 years.... but I'm doing it and I feel pretty accomplished when I finally turn in to bed.
(This way, it also leaves time during my day for my kids and to get the other trillion things we Mama's need to finish everyday.)
This is one of my favorite one's you've made! So great!
I rarely stay up past 10:00. But I do when my husband is out of town. Like the other night I was up until 12:00 a.m. just picking up, catching up on cooking shows, enjoying the quiet and crafting. Love your jewels!
LOVE this necklace- it would be perfect for me. I wish I could say that I only started being a night owl after I had my kids, but that is just not the case. My parents used to have to force me to go to bed every night.
Anyway, nowadays- I get EVERYTHING done late at night. Blogging, cleaning, emailing, crafting- you name it, I do it. I especially like to be up when everyone else is asleep because I feel like I can do what I want, however I want. Being a mommy to 3 crazy kiddos (one being a special needs kiddo) means finding "me" time when anyone is awake is tough. And if I do things while they are asleep it is completely guilt free!
Oh! That is so perfect for me, I am such a night owl. :) Once nighttime comes around, I finally come awake, so I like to do almost everything after 10:00. One of my favorite things to do is to drink tea with my brother and either watch a movie or just talk, but the night time is also a great time for me to work on my creative projects, such as writing, graphic work, crocheting, etc.
After 10 is when I get my best quiet times in. I love to curl up in my fleece robe and my two cats usually curl up in my lap while I read. The phone doesn't ring and there aren't any distractions.
That's adorable - what do I do after 10pm?? Blog!! Also knit and walk on the treadmill. (but not at the same time)
OMG Lisa!! That is SO FREAKIN' cute!! I am a total night owl and I really do get most of my stuff accomplished after 10pm.. I mostly like to just 'chill' for about 1/2 hour and then I'll try to organize paperwork and get more laundry done. It seems like I'm ALWAYS organizing my scrapbook goodies. LOL. If it's a Friday night I'll even START scrapbooking after 10 and finish when the MOJO runs dry!!! :-) Peace and blessings!
I must be in bed by 11:11 or I worry about being up too late. Seriously - I did used to be cool.
In defence of my v. weak night owl bid, often my most productive cleaning and organizing time is from 10-11.
Hi Lisa,
I seem to get my second wind about an hour or two after the kids have gone to bed. I feel like it's finally my time and time to do something that can't be done when they're around. Usually it's ironing, organizing or reading magazines but last night I worked on a fun advent project. You can check it out here:
Thanks so much.
I used to be a night owl until I started teaching and discovered that 5 am comes way too soon after midnight! Now on the rare nights I stay up beyond 9pm I savor the "I am awake later than my preschoolers" time by doing my favorite things that I never have time to do - reading books while curled up under my fuzzy blanket with a cup of lavender tea, writing, editing and playing with my photographs on the computer, and enjoying music not sung by Raffi and his posse.
I am the ultimate night owl and have been since I was little. There are some nights I don't even go to bed until 3am or 5am. My 4 kiddos and two businesses keep me hopping throughout the day so the calm and quiet of the night is a welcome change. I'm usually doing just whatever still needs to be done (laundry, dishes and cleaning seem to top the list on a regular basis); however, I too am a reality show junkie and can get sucked into them so easily. I also use the quiet to plan for my next day. I'll figure out new art projects for my art classes or wade through research for my family wellness business. My next "midnight oil" endeavor will be to get a degree in nutrition online. My husband just laughs when he goes to bed because I always say, "be there in a minute".
I've become more of a night owl in recent years. I like when the house is quiet at night, when the tv is off and the hubby and 2 cats are snoring away upstairs. I've always needed a certain amount of "alone time" and the hours between 10:00pm and 12:00am every evening find me knitting away or catching up on my reading while I lounge on the couch. It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day!
Aaakk. I work.
I do the parttime thing since I had kids and it really isn't a parttime job so after the kids are in bed, I'm working to keep my head above water. I'm off at lunchtime so I've got my afternoons to be Mom and Wife, but once they are all tucked in bed I'm back at it.
Being with them is so worth it. I wouldn't have it any other way.
If I did not work so early I would accomplish so much more than sleeping. I love to craft late into the night on the weekend - sewing and knitting. However, I can remember when I was home on maternity leave with my first daughter - I would write in her baby book at all hours. I would squat in the kitchen, filled with new mommy excitement, writing away and even did some scrapbooking. That is a fond memory for me:)
I think I may fall under the "wise mama" category since I'm usually asleep by 10pm...unless there's something REALLY good on tv! lol The morning comes all too early, and with schooling four children myself, I need all the beauty rest I can get!
I love this- I have said for a long time that I am a night owl in a house full of early birds!
I love to stay up & tie up loose ends around the house, then create...stitching, gifts, food, whatever I feel like working on!
I LOVE this necklace!!! Its so perfect for me! At night is when my multi-tasking is at its best! Once my two kids and my husband are in bed, I have some me time to finish up on any work I didn't accomplish at my part-time job at a homeless shelter, I also teach a college class one night a week - so late at night I prepare my lectures, grade papers. I also make lunches for the next day, clean up a bit, maybe do a little online shopping - and if I have ANY more time, make some jewelry - which I really enjoy. So much to little time. Good thing I don't need very much sleep every night :)
Love your jewelry Lisa - its wonderful. And your blog and your family are both so touching!!
Crafting and cleaning. My husband can't understand why I have to stay up so late--it's just harwired in me. My mom does and so do I. :)
I am the QUEEN of late-night! I was telling one of my guitar students the other day - about 2 a.m. I have to 'force myself' to go to bed or I would stay up much later! My 'habit' started when I was quite young! With the advent of computers (blogging and digital scrapbooking) comforming to 'normal' sleeping habits is well, fruitless! Yes, I am married and "NO" my husband isn't pleased but we actually have 7 children so it's not as bad as you think! ! ! No late-night TV, video games and other assorted addictive activities for me! Journaling for our posterity is #1 on my list for 'late night' oil burning activities . . .oh yeah, and that occasionaly sneak-peek of Lisa's "Oh so beautiful" jewelry! Love, love, love!
I am officially a night owl AND an early bird...I basically am running on empty! At night I get things accomplished while the little ones are sleeping. For instance, picking up millions of legos mixed in with Pringle crumbs. Then in the morning I am hanging with the kiddies!! No rest for the weary!! The Night Owl pendant is great, Owls are such magical creature aren't they?
Wait...I was anonymous and forgot to leave my name....Megan K...silly silly me
I finish sewing projects, check e-mail, write on one of three craft blogs, upload pics to flickr or pack kits. I always tell myself that I'll feel better about getting it all done when I can. Then I wake up the next morning feeling about as alive as a can of tuna.
I'm a college kid, so I think being a night owl is somewhat of a pre-requisite. I absolutely love staying up late. It started when I was three and my older sister and I would wait until my (exhausted) parents fell asleep to play school, which is how I ended up learning to read. I started pulling all-nighters for fun with my friends when I was seven. Little did I know it was practice for the future. Now I use that time to do homework. Unless I am which case I clean, organize, write letters, or accomplish any other unimportant task. I tell people the only time I enjoy watching the sun rise, is when I've been up all night and the sun provides the needed burst of energy to finish off the morning.:o)
I have always been a night owl. I love doing bills and paperwork at night Last night I watched Without a trace (tivo) and made Christmas lists. How lovely it is when noone bothers you.
I love the feeling of extra time that you get when you have that late night second wind. As though somehow you've found the secret to extra time, and it shouldn't be wasted.
I love to head up to our completely child-unsafe third floor where I keep my huge book collection, but all too often ends up as a storage area for everything else. There, tucked into my little room with a space heater and surrounded by the books I adore, I can get some tidying done, clean up some paperwork, flip through some old pictures, even read a paragraph here or there of a long-forgotten book.
The whole time I know that my daughter is right beneath me, and if I listen closely sometimes I can hear her rustling in her crib, or a sigh.
After my two young sons (6 1/2 and 5 1/2) are in their bed, my favorite part is what I REALLY LOVE is to hop in a Hot Bath with full of bubbles for an hour. It reminds me that I am in a sauna tub. Also, I enjoyed turning the lights off, except for the night so I could release my hectic day (with two boys and working/teaching teenagers all day.)
Not only being spoiled in a hot tub, I do catch some small errands up before hopping in a warm cozy bed for a couple of hours. If I'm lucky not to having my younger son, who has Autism, waking up in the middle of the night, hopping in our bed and sleep with us.
Oh my, I am such a night owl. I get so much work done at night when it's quiet, or I am waiting up for teens. I do laundry, general picking up, and the jobs I hate like cleaning the bathroom. love your blog & jewelry!
My husband wrote most of his dissertation after 10pm...and I formatted most of it between 12am and 4 am! Not my favorite thing, but isn't it great to get that second wind around 1 am? My street is noisy, but things get quiet in the wee hours. My husband and I like to sit and chat about everything late at night....ah... wish I could always stay up late!
The only thing that I like to accomplish after 10pm at night is sleep. Honestly, I don't remember the last time I stayed up past 10. I guess when you have three boys and as much energy as I do, you just can't make it past 9pm!!
At night after Carson is asleep and sometimes my husband, I catch up on my school work. It's when I do my best work! It is so quiet!! Thankfully one more week of school and I will be done forever!
Dishes. Me time. :)
Cute pendant. Love that owl.
Okay, I'm a total night owl. I was as a kid, teen, & now adult. After my toddler & husband are in bed(baby by 8, hubby by 10)I relax & have some serious meeeee time. Of course, that is after I do the dishes, clean the house, e-mail, read blogs, etc., etc.
I DVR a number of tv shows & watch a good 2 hours late night & have a snack. Usually peanut butter english muffins & some cheese. I know it's terrible, but who cares.
Anyway, looks like most of your readers are night owls--hehehe.
I stay up late to make the kids lunches, coffee, laundry, clean up for a more relaxing morning rush...
ilove to blog late email late and catch up on correspondence... catch a glimpse at my once small baies now girls growing up to be women in a short time! night is my time to reflect catch my breath & pray for the day or weeks ahead.
What I love to do late at night wit hmy husband is sneak into the spa for a romantic getaway!!!!
never commented, but LOVE your stuff :) i do almost everything after 10pm since i had #2 almost 5 months ago...laundry, my work from home stuff, clean, watch tv, blog, read blogs, read too many blogs :)
oh man, after the kids go to bed, EVERYTHING! sewing, scrapbooking, dishes, laundry, blogging, painting my nails, watching my favorite shows on my dvr, reading. its my mommy time! i am soooo a night owl! :)
I love to have a chance to think. With my six year old twins, a toddler with arthrogryposis (who has tons of energy!) and being pregnant, I am exhausted and just need to breathe. It feels so nice when the house is quiet and dark. I love it during the day too, but the night is so peaceful! Lisa :)
I usually get my second wind around then and end up crafting, blogging, watching a movie while folding laundry, or if I am feeling lazy, reading. This necklace is so stinkin' cute.
So cute! I get my "night owlness" from my mom who was always up and wide awake when i came home when I was in high school. She never slept! Now i find it is my only "me" time - I watch TV and read blogs and scrapbook. My girl is only 4 but one day I'll be sitting here waiting on her to come home! missy
After 10pm I like to watch tv and do all the little things I can't do when my son is up. LIKE EVERYTHING!!!
Well, let me see...what can I be doing after ten in the evening...Mostly I love to work on my photos in Photoshop on the pc;-}I forget time and place...It`s so much fun...and while I am doing that I surf the internet for blogs,blogs and more blog*LOL*
Other times I was the dishes,fold clothes, doing all kins of housewife stuff,cause my afternoons is so busy.
Wonderful necklace! I am so proud to have one of your necklaces.
Oh pick me please!!
watching mommy tv (ie movies, tivoed favs etc), internet catch up, laundry so it doesn't get unfolded and spread around the house, chatting with my sister (she's up working), crafts, adult conversation with my hunny, home pedicure, mostly anything that doesn't involve kids...mommy-free time!
I come alive about 11pm. That's when I get really motivated to do the things I've been putting off or just haven't found the time to do. For instance, I baked a homemade apple pie at 1AM just the other night! Night Owls UNITE!
I love this and have always been a night owl!
I had no idea there were so many of us night owls out there! Thought I was alone in that regard.
If I am in bed before 11pm everyone thinks I'm sick (usually that's the case). I read, scrapbook, proof photos, check out blogs, and make my to-do list for the next day. But my favorite thing to do at night is to watch old WWII movies. My dh loves to tell stories of waking up in the middle of the night to "Tora, Tora, Tora" thinking a plane is coming through the roof. LOL!
ps...Lisa your jewelry is gorgeous and I'm keeping my fingers crossed to be the winner of this midnight inspired creation. It's one of my favs so far.
i'm up late yet again....thinking about other stuff I do late at night...having worked the graveyard shift for 3 years before our marriage (seeing that there is life after dark) hunny doesn't understand why I am up....i look at going to bed early has lost hours, time to do things, wish more stores were open after dark but hey isn't that why they made the internet...sometimes I get snuggle time with my little guy who suffers from fact I hear him now better run
So boring, I really like to sleep. It used to bother me that by 9.30pm I was yawning uncontrollably. But that's me. I am however, surrounded by nightowls, the standouts being my husband and sister (which caused many a sibling clash). The thing is I have the occassional 'night owl' episode otherwise known as insomnia and it without fail tbhis coincides with the forementioned nighowls having a night off.
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