So I wrote up a little blurp for our meeting and thought I'd share it with you. What a blessing he is! And we are so blessed by his teachers, assistants, doctors and therapists!!
November 13, 2007
An update on David…
David turned five on the fourth of July. We had a Sneetches birthday party at the park to celebrate. David is part of our family and loves to play at the park, eat chocolate chip pancakes (soften by lots of syrup, of course) and cruise around the house exploring. We are so pleased with his progress this year.
David walks around by holding onto furniture. He is increasingly confident and will let go for 10-15 seconds at a time. When there is nothing to hold onto, David eases himself on the ground and scoots to the next area he wants to explore. We have been thrilled by increased independence and zest for checking out new situations.
David continues to eat a wide variety of food, mostly blended. He still does not chew consistently, so we avoid giving him anything too tough. He has made wonderful progress with bringing the spoon from his bowl to his mouth. It’s messy, but productive. He needs help returning the spoon to the bowl.
David communicates through body language and vocal noises. We have notice a marked increase in his deliberate communication. For example, when hungry, he will go over to his highchair, stand up and tug on it while fussing. He is also increasingly responsive to his family and friends. When he sees his brother, he lights up and gets very silly.
Speaking of silly, David is a fun loving, silly guy much of time. He loves to be tickled and kissed. He is a great snuggler and an expert mess-maker. His friends at school, church and home are very accepting of David and his differences. They often bring him toys and make sure to give him hugs. He sleeps well at night and naps about an hour each afternoon.
We are concerned by David’s sensitive immune system and dread ‘the sniffles’, which sometimes turn into bronchitis or pneumonia. We consistently give him breathing treatments and try to keep his hands germ-free.
We are so blessed by wonderful teachers, assistants, doctors and therapists. We cannot overstate the positive impact they have had on his life and how grateful we are! We look forward to another year of great strides and silliness.
Warmly, Stephen and Lisa Leonard