we rolled out of bed this morning to rainy skies. but we decided to drive up to cambria and get some chocolate chip pancakes anyway. there is a great park up there and we hoped maybe it would stop raining long enough for the boys to play. well it was BEAUTIFUL there. breakfast was delicious, the boys had a blast and i got some fun photos.
brothers. right after this pic, matty tackled david to the ground. can't you see a mischevious gleem in his eye? trouble!

c'mon, give me a kiss!

big waves were crashing on the shore today. right after this pic the boys fell backwards off the log. they were both laughing--luckily!!

family photo

run, run, run!
Looks like a sweet time.
i understand now why you chose to live in l.o. ... you all are always at the beach! nehemiah might try to adopt himself into your family!
fun pics! i want to see a pic of the boys falling off the log and laughing. :)
Oh my gosh...I am so jealous that you live close enough to Cambria to just drive there for breakfast! A couple years ago we went to California for vacation and stayed in Cambria for a couple days and fell in love with it! You're so lucky!
Susan saw your pictures and said, "I wish we could hang out at the beach whenever we want." Hello! We live in Long Beach. Everyone else's life seems better than your own. However, I must admit, your cool breezy weather is pretty great. Love you!
I wish I could be with the Leonards in Cambria for chocolate chip pancakes. Sounds like heaven!
We had a great day relaxing with the girls and having dinner with Susan and Ellen and the girls in Long Beach. It was the first day I felt truly relaxed with the girls. Very needed!
Great pictures!!
Hi lisa, i found your blog through kristen's. i know you just answered questions about david a few posts back, but i wanted to know a little more about him. what is his vocabulary like? is he able to be unsupervised for any amount of time or does he need to be watched more closely? i think a lot of us would be interested in learning more about sweet david. :)
i just think your family is so beautiful and love how you are always outdoors, enjoying this wonderful area that we are BLESSED to live in.
thanks for your interest in david! he really has no functioning vocabulary, although he makes noise to communicate what he want. most people with his syndrome (CdLS) have four or less words, but are able to communicate other ways. he is very easy-going most of the time and has a happy disposition. he loves to scoot and cruise around the house and explore. he gets into cupboards and makes messes and destroys puzzles matty is working on :) i don't watch him every minute, but he does need help with lots of things including feeding, bathing, dressing, etc. i am very open so if anyone has questions--feel free to leave a comment or email!
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