mommy pushing david on the swing.

david having a BALL on the swing (in his tiny converse--kills me!!)

david & daddy on the see saw.

matty and some headless woman on the see saw :)

david cruising

steve and matty went down the slide quite a few times like this--they are crazy!
Who is that headless woman? David's skinny legs are too much! Going down the slide head first on your back? That IS crazy. Glad you guys had a good day at the park.
So I guess I'm going to have to start recognizing places you post about on you blog, and try to "accidentlly bump into you" to see you these days... busy lady :).. but now that I see you have been (literally) running around like a chicken with it's head cut off..I understand :)
Steve- AWESOME sermon this morning! I learned a lot in a very tangible way. I bet you guys enjoyed the bonding time after such a busy morning!
A smiling David in converse. Too cute!
what park is that? It looks really cute!
David's little converse are too cute! I love little kid's shoes!!!!!
My favorite is the headless woman shot. =)
fun family time!!
Im pretty sure David and Sonny have the same shirt!!!!!!
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